First Grow: DIY Bubbleponics (Bagseed)


Elite Rolling Society
Did you ever remove the water pump? I can't find it, that you posted whether you did or didn't.

I think you and me started 12/12 the same day.


Well-Known Member
luetenant shiney sides, holy shit. i watch family guy religiously, and couldnt remember episode. i u tubed it, and alsmost forgot. roflmao. "youll eat it later" good looking for a laugh lt shiney sides.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Haha thanks loola. And Roseman no I did not take out the water pump. I'm using it to hold down my air disk but it's not running.

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
It's now been 3 days since I switched to 12/12. Preflowers have gotten a little bigger but I still can't determine sex. Check out the pics and let me know if you can tell. The preflower pics are from two different plants. They have all grown about 2-3 inches since Friday and there's lots of asymmetrical growth. Roots are pure white so it seems like everything is going perfectly. I'm doing a res change today and going from full veg, half flower to half veg, full flower nutes.


Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
I cleaned the pump when I first turned it off for good, and it smells just like you said it should, like lettuce or alfalfa sprouts. So no guess on sex?


New Member
I think it's too early to guess the sex. Normal time is 10-14 days after the switch to 12/12 and sometimes longer. Gardening teaches you patience! LOL!


Active Member
Just wait til they start showing their flowers, every day is a new adventure walking into your room. its amazing! but then it gets really slow towards the end because all you want to do is smoke it, like MostlyCrazy said, it takes a lot of patience! Looking good so far, let us know if ya found any males


Elite Rolling Society
If you get a decent magnifying glass, you can spot pre-flowers easily, at 7 complete days after starting 12/12.

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Nice grow lt. You mentioned your using a 400 watt hps and a few cfls how are the cfls doing I'm thinking about using them for fill and a veg booster ? Can't wait as well, tired of making the 60 mile trip to my dispensary to buy more 60 dollar 1/8ths!! +rep again nice f-en grow !!

Lt Shiny Sides

Well-Known Member
Actually I'm not using any CFLs but I am thinking about getting some for my next grow. All I have for now is a switchable 400 watt HID with the HPS currently in.


New Member
I have a 400 on top now and plan to use my old cfl's as sidelights to balance things out. I use both the old 6500k and the 2700k and it does make a dif on the underbud. They see the light and say hello! Welcome to the gang Ol' Hippy!

ol hippy

Well-Known Member
Thanks Crazy mostly, I'm still patiently waiting to start my first bubble grow, just trying to fix anything that needs fixen before I start. Do you think the 400 will be enough for total grow? My space is small about 2x4' its my furnace closet. I don't usualy use my furnace much and its about 78 with the lights and all pumps etc on. Will start seeds when I get back home at the end of the month. Not sure if I trust leaving everything on and growing when I'll be gone for a wk !!I've been reading everything I can here learning more everyday I can't say enough about the quality of the posters here!! I'll be checking in every day and will post pics as soon as I get started..Just ordered some AK48 from nirvana .. thanks again,,ol hippy out