First Grow DWC (need help/advice/w.e. you can give) pics included


So these are my girls right here, well at least i'm hoping. There both around 5 -6 weeks old and have been vegging under a MH conversion bulb in a DWC system. The ph has been in between 5 - 6.5, and the humidity anywhere from 15- 35 %(15% during the day and 35% in the night) and the temp always 75 - 80+. This is also the third day I haven't fed them (when I normally feed the, every two days) since I noticed a little leaf discoloration. Also I noticed that the very first two leaves of the plants, turned totally yellow and soft (but it can be from some previous nute burn)

Here are the pics, if any one could give me any help or advice or what the leaf discoloration may be and if the problem could be nute burn, so If I should keep waiting to feed them and flush them or not, it would really be appreciated



I also fed the girls last night cause I didn't want to starve them (so ignore the part about 3 day without nutes) and this morning I saw some more leaf discoloration and yellowing on some of the younger leaves. Also what looks like a little nute burn, but those are on mainly the leaves on the bottom of the stock. I've also have been feeding them every 2 days, but am now changing to a daily feeding schedule.

Any help would really be appreciated.

My hydro box has also 360 ppm if this could help.


If it was nute burn it'd be on the very tip of all the leaves, not just the bottom, the tip turns yellow then brown and curls up. For the size of those plants I'd say 360 ppm is pretty low, so you may be looking at a deficiency. One other question, are these plants clones from the same plant?


No, these are just some bag seeds I came across in my years of smoking, and any idea what should the ppm be around for plants this size? And should I raise it gradually or at once?
And im waiting up till these are done to start up on some Barney's LSD and Vanilla Kush I got sitting in the closet.

Thx for the replies.


Active Member
QUOTE=budda13;5984038]but they did come from the same bud, so as for same strain, probably so.[/QUOTE

I dont know if this is the same but it also started at the bottom of the tip/tips


Nice looking leaves. But is that soil? Because I'm pretty sure this is a DWC/ bubbleponics forum. As for your leaves, it might be heat stress or nute burn. Whats the ppm on your system?

joe dollar

Well-Known Member
I run a DWC and my plants are at 5 weeks of veg and I am around 600 to 700 ppm's. I get the same color leaves that you got going on but I dont really let it get to me and it seems to be fine. I do a flush every 10 days and I let the ph'd water flow thru the system for 24 hours before I ad nutes. When I never go about 700 in veg, when I flip over to flower I hit like 900 or so. Just really depends on the strain


Well-Known Member
I would agree with Jables on this one. 5 weeks old and 300ppmz does sound really low. I rock at least a 500ppm shot of nutez at that stage ;) Go 1/2 strength nutez and that discoloration should clear up. The upper canopy leaves are prolly suckin the nitrogen from the lower ones and thats why its yellowing from the bottom up ;)


So its been like two days and I've brought both my humidity up to 30% in the day and 40% + in the night, and my ppm is now around 430 (just fed them a min ago). I also changed my feeding schedule to twice a day and am still adding only a 1/4 of nutes at a time. I wasn't sure whether or not to raise my ppm all at once to 500 or so, so I'm adding the nutes gradually. Is it okay that the ppm is this low still or so should I raise it up to 500 asap, or should I keep doing what im doing?

Thanks for all the replies (i'll put some more photos up tomorrow cause my gf is begging me to get of the laptop)

BTW...I also had a little incident. My cat got into my grow room and bit off one of the larger leaves on the lower stems close to the base of the plant (luckily it was just one). Should I be expecting some growth stunting now? And should I get rid of the left over stem?


Maybe I over shot it a little bit with the feeding twice a day, but here are some pics of the girls. Their at 460+ ppm and a ph of 6.0 or so and starting this morning they started showing some nute burn on some of the middle and lower leaves and leaf yellowing on the top and some middle and lower leaves. Should I flush out the water in the hydro box and the girls? or will they be okay if I just let them be?

Any advice?



Well-Known Member
ouch it looks like nute burn....i wish i could give you my advice but i dont have any exprience with DWC, but i would like to buy one DWC soon it cost around 61.99 its called waterfarm. thats why i came to this section to check it out...

i think you should let nutes off for a while but keep feed em with cal/mg to promote plant to have good health thats number 1. but its just me...

you have a nice setup and beautiful plants no question.

good luck :)


Thx man. The plants seemed a lot better and taller this morning, so im hoping I can start feeding again soon.
As for my set up I spent around the same price.

$20 for a 40 gal rubber maid
$20 for a 60 gal air pump
$15 for two net pots
$8 for two large air stones


Well-Known Member
Thx man. The plants seemed a lot better and taller this morning, so im hoping I can start feeding again soon.
As for my set up I spent around the same price.

$20 for a 40 gal rubber maid
$20 for a 60 gal air pump
$15 for two net pots
$8 for two large air stones
Additionaly add in another small pump and drip attachment for $20 and you can get auto feed for young plants, until they have developed enough root to Reach wate.

Also add another. small rubbermaid and an auto topofff and you Can have auto reservoir refill, grate. for scrogging.
