first grow ever am i doing ok?

I have to say, for a first time.....very nice. +rep

I think you are stressing too much right now. You need to just take comfort in the fact you are doing very well. Don't get cocky, just stop frussing so much.

In my experience, and I have grown fairly large amounts, worrying too much about your plants can be hazardous to their health.

Not knocking you, not at all....but I could tell by the time between some of your posts, and what you wrote that you are worrying too much about things, and putting rush on things that don't need to be worried about just whether you should go from 2 waterings a day to 3 a day.
And overwatering, possible even in hydro setups, is probably the most common mistake that new growers make.

I havent had a chance to check your setup out fully, just wanted to try to get you to chill a little. You're doing great so far.

PS: subscribed.
I havent had a chance to check your setup out fully, just wanted to try to get you to chill a little. You're doing great so far.

thanks for the tip. i was just checking i do agree with you i think they look pretty good espically for my first grow ive see others that look way, way worse so im not worried. just asking questions trying to learn all i can. kinda board too and i talk a lot when im stoned lol...
thanks for the tip. i was just checking i do agree with you i think they look pretty good espically for my first grow ive see others that look way, way worse so im not worried. just asking questions trying to learn all i can. kinda board too and i talk a lot when im stoned lol...

I hear ya.....I used to do the same thing. Well, I still talk lots....just don't fruss as much. Lol

Again, good job. I will keep checkin in. :peace:
thanks for subscribin. im new what does that mean lol?

I can keep a folder of threads or topics I want to follow. If I sub to you, then I will be informed of new posts in this thread, all from my profile page. Then I don't have to hunt this thread down all the time.

Like subscribing to the newspaper. ;-)
hey downey just checked out the grow so far....looks pretty dam good, what sort of hydro set up u got going-on, NFT, wilma, ebb & flo ect. + rep for 1st attempt
Its one of the ebb and flow 6 bucket systems things lol at least I think that's ebb and flow or is it ebb and grow? I dunno but I'm happy so far with my plants.

Ps: thanks for the compliment. I will post more pics when something changes