First Grow EVER! ( CFL )

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Well this is going to be my first grow ever, I will take pics every 2 days and give some info on whats going on.

The first week I did not take pics sorry :(
They are like 5-6 days maybe a week. But for this sake I will call it a week.

(Yes I know I have a gay ass setup as of now, I have a 2 in the making 1st priority is a decent bigger grow tent and setup in my closet and more lights, Then is a smaller one for small veg seedlings - clone size.)

-Grow Info-
Strain: Bag Seeds
Where: Indoor
Lighting: 2 15 watt Daylight 6500K Cool Natural Light. (Will be getting 2 26's tomorrow)
Environment: Closet (Getting a tent setup);-)

1st Week:
Gay Setup (Should be better in 2 days when I update)


Fallen Soul

Active Member
Sorry Im trying to upload the other pics. (Still adding pics will remove this when im done)


Sorry that there so huge, I will try to edit them in the morning cause im super tired.

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Sweet. How long should I wait before I use nutes? I haven't bought any yet cause idk how soon to use them or what other people would suggest.

Dont wanna do it to soon and nute burn.


Well-Known Member
I'm no pro, but you've got about 2 more weeks before you should have to add nutes. A little more info on your set-up and future plans would be helpful.

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Setup is in a closet. Here's a pic I made of my setup. Cause its kinda just sitting in my closet.

Brown thing in the back is Naturebright Light Box, for depression but im using it for extra light until I get my other 2 26 watts.


Well-Known Member
Looks good man, im subscribing to this. i have read good things about using Fox Farm nutrients. I am about 18 days into my grow. Check it out when you get a chance.

Fallen Soul

Active Member
Alright sweet, Yeah I will get some new pics of my new setup in a few days. Its a hassle but I have been modding it day by day trying to make it better and different spectrum's of light.

Fallen Soul

Active Member

Day 8: They seem to be doing fine but one of the plants seems to be stunted in growth ever since I move them out of the same pot.

Its still alive and well with its leaves reaching high to get to the light but just not getting thicker or taller. The other one on the other hand is getting big fast with broad leaves.


Fallen Soul

Active Member
Sorry was editing the older ones to size, I will upload these as they are and upload later that way you guys can see them.

Edit: Sorry for the wait, PICS are now uploaded ;)

Fallen Soul

Active Member
also if you notice I had one light close to the plant then I did with the other and the one with the light closer has wider leaves and is a little shorter but almost the same height. Is my other plant going to be ok cause when I first started out I didn't have the light close enough so I think it just stretched.