First grow ever, complete accident


I came across shwag recently, and unfortunately there was about 10 grams in seeds in it. they looked very brown and plantable, so as a joke i threw all of them in separate patches of dirt around my yard. Then I forget about it for a little while, and around the 21st i noticed around 50 little clover-like seedlings sprouted all over the place, and trust me it didnt take too long for me to realize what i was looking at. I kind of freaked a little because of the sheer number of them, and killed all but 6. It was supposed to be a joke, har har har... now i have one thats made it through all the ghetto ass florescent lighting contraptions ive been using, and in only a few weeks is flourishing. Im using one 23w florescent flood lamp and a 9w floro screw bulb. it only equals out to about 2,100 lumens, which im fully aware is not enough light for when it gets a little bigger, but for now its doing the trick. I also potted it in miracle grow potting mix, which has seemed to work pretty well. due to lack of space (operation is in a closet) i cant stick a 400wHPS in a 2x2 area, it looked like the doorway to another dimension when i slept, not to mention the heat was out of control.

I am no expert, nor to I really want to be one. Its just been fun to me to buy some supplies for less than 50 dollars to support such a beautiful thing.This is its accidental life up to date...



Active Member
Very very nice! That is such a cool grow story, this plant will be very cool to watch. I'm pullin really hard for a girl on this one man!


Active Member
Nice! Good things happen.

Although i don't think you should've killed the rest, perhaps planted them somewhere secure outside

Seeds that sprout in rugged conditions should rock.


Well-Known Member
And when you smoke them, the taste will be sooooooooooooooo much better than the original. That I'm sure of.


haha thanks for the feedback iyou think its looking healthy?
im also praying its going to be female, i even bought some cloning solution just in case. i had around 15 of the seedlings replanted out in a very well concealed place in the woods, but unfortunately weather around here was horrid and pretty much butchered them.
i salvaged 4 seedlings recouped them inside in MG and when they looked a little better moved them again to an even more concealed place, and theyre perking up a little outside, which is good in case the indoor isnt female.

i do have pictures almost day by day though of my current baby, from germination, but i didnt realize you can only post 8 pictures and sent the most recent i had of it.

if any of you could help me out, how could i keep this plant as short and bushy as possible, as it only has about 3 ft grow room in the section of closet its in.



Active Member
Keeping your lights closer to your plant helps keep your plants shorter, and low stress training (LST) is a great way to get bushy plants. Search for "LST" and check out the indoor CFL forum for lots of helpful tips. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
wow, that's awesome! this is just step 1 in your rise to weed baron, lol.
but seriously clone the hell out of that in the future, you'll always have a healthy plant to kick back with.


ok so i noticed the roots to my plant were coming out the bottom of the pot, so i replanted, with more soil and more "root room." it was mighty windy outside so when i was doing this and few of the stems bent, but as far as i can see nothing snapped.
i figured by replanting there would be some shock, but im hoping that i didnt kill the plant altogether.

heres a pic a few hours after it was replanted, is this normally what plant shock looks like?



That is an awsome story petty funny i can picture you just going into your yard and seeing 200 seedlings and being like HOLEY SHIT! how many do you think their were? i threw 3 seeds from some crappy weed into my garden this grow just to see how much it improves in quality. i know all the crappy weed is imported and shipped in thousands of kilos at a time anyways i was reading that due to the way the grow the plants in such a large scale they don't tend to them very well and they just throw them in a pile out in the sun to dry and they package and ship it horribly and all together this kills at least 50% of the potency. supposely if you grow it rite you can increast the potency 100-150% over the weed you took the seeds out of. so i'm doing my little experiement to see how true that really is and i'm pleased to say after 5 weeks these ladies look great!


lol yeah it was a trip finding them all just sprouted, there was around 50, i killed most of them slowly and painfully(for me lol). i thought shwag wasnt even a strain of tree, isnt it just when males pollenate the females, creating seeds? i thought i read that shwag is only a product of careless fastpaced growing. if this is the case then hopefully ill get some nice smoke out of this


yea, schwag isn't a strain it's like a general categorey just any crappy weed is schwag basiclly. but the seeds you got must have some kind of strain most likley an imported one of lower quality but it definetly has a strain name. your problly never going to know it so this is you chance to make one up haha.


Well-Known Member
I came across shwag recently, and unfortunately there was about 10 grams in seeds in it. they looked very brown and plantable, so as a joke i threw all of them in separate patches of dirt around my yard. Then I forget about it for a little while, and around the 21st i noticed around 50 little clover-like seedlings sprouted all over the place, and trust me it didnt take too long for me to realize what i was looking at. I kind of freaked a little because of the sheer number of them, and killed all but 6. It was supposed to be a joke, har har har... now i have one thats made it through all the ghetto ass florescent lighting contraptions ive been using, and in only a few weeks is flourishing. Im using one 23w florescent flood lamp and a 9w floro screw bulb. it only equals out to about 2,100 lumens, which im fully aware is not enough light for when it gets a little bigger, but for now its doing the trick. I also potted it in miracle grow potting mix, which has seemed to work pretty well. due to lack of space (operation is in a closet) i cant stick a 400wHPS in a 2x2 area, it looked like the doorway to another dimension when i slept, not to mention the heat was out of control.

I am no expert, nor to I really want to be one. Its just been fun to me to buy some supplies for less than 50 dollars to support such a beautiful thing.This is its accidental life up to date...
WOW THATS LIKE 2 COUNTS OF MJ CULTIVATING. Lucky u seen it b4 them pigs

my CFL grow:


WOW THATS LIKE 2 COUNTS OF MJ CULTIVATING. Lucky u seen it b4 them pigs

my CFL grow:
hahaha when you put it that way, its a very good thing i found them first. anyway, the shock from yesterday seems to have subsided, and now my little buddy is perked up and back on track. gonna post up some pictures for visual confirmation ;D

but seriously imagine i went away for a week or two or something, and i came back to the sea of 5-6 inch tall seedlings... at least i caught it when they were still tiny tiny



Well-Known Member
do a scrog grow which is where to tie the plant down in a fashion where is bends and you can get more bud out of a small area look it up :)

peace and respect


Well-Known Member
dafoe23 has a really good small closet grow like yours that is documented quite well. He is also using CFLs and LST... I'll try and find the link for you

Edit: Here is Link


just a quick update: i only have a limited space in which to perform this operation, so i just thought id post what im working with.
Looks similar to my grow space. I was worried about it being too small at first but like toke said, should be fine. Good luck to the both of us! :joint: