FIRST GROW EVER! In style w/ BloomBox Royale


Well-Known Member

Its safe to say that only 7 of the seedlings will root, the other 5 did not sprout. I think that was my fault. I germinated the seeds in non-pH balanced water and it was for too long. Also, I used no nutrients while germinating. That was also a mistake. BC's manual tells you to do none of this, so it is certainly a shortcoming there. Their manual really needs some help and some more *specific* instructions.

Tomorrow I will plant 5 more seeds to hopefully get 4 plants -- 2 to grow and two to turn into Mommys. They got their first hand watering too, 1/3 mixture of my week 1 veg solution. You water the cubes by letting them absorb the water through the bottom, not by top watering like a house plant. That forces roots down to the water and makes it more healthy. Sweet.

Starting to lift the dome up and down to circulate air in the box to strengthen the plants.

These little fuckers sure grow fast! All are about 2-3" tall.



Well-Known Member
is that it
Well, yea. That's the funny thing about growing a plant. That's it every day till it grows more. Some might say its like watching grass grow........ Hmm.

If you want to view a finished grow log, this isnt the one for you bro. This one wont be done for at least 10-12 weeks.



Active Member
Any Updates? I just got the bloombox not too long ago, about to start my own journal. I will be growing Skywalker from Dutch Passion as soon as my seeds get here. What mistakes have you made? What should I look out for?


Well-Known Member
Actually, yes. You're just in time. I'll be killing this thread and starting a new one (Will post the URL to it here when it stars). The grow from this thread was successful, I'm currently in the 3rd week of flowering and BC Northern saw photos and estimates about 14-16oz of bud will be received from the harvest.

The reason I stopped updating this particular thread was twofold:

1.) Nobody here helped at all when I asked questions and such (bitches =P)

2.) The grow was unsuccessful as far as I'm concerned, even given the current yield. The reason is because BC Northerns manual is so inadequate that even their feeding schedules are wrong and they dont tell you procedures properly. I didnt want to tell everyone here how to do something, and then correct it two pages later in a thread and harm another growers yield.

So, this batch is finishing up, and I've learned a L-O-T. I just dropped 15 new seeds in water this morning and will begin updating in a new thread in the next few days. In the new thread you'll see the last parts of the harvest from this thread since the BloomBox does flowering on the right and veg on the left. The bonus for this is you get to see the timeframe in when you start a new batch versus having an existing in the machine. Rule of thumb is 4 weeks before harvest, start your new clone plants or seedlings and you'll never have downtime.

I hope to have the next thread in enough detail that it acts as a current growers manual for BC Northern since theirs is so outdated. I'll also do a few videos at key intervals such as how to trim fan leaves, how to install CO2 regulators/connectors, how to quiet the BloomBox by about 80% by changing out fans with the same CFM ratings, proper setup and cleaning of the Hydro tubs, etc....

Where are you at in your grow? That'll help for some quick advice...


Active Member
I haven't started yet. first of all what differences did you find with the nute solutions? The reason no one answered your questions here, is mostly because other people are not supposed to post in grow journals unless asked, and even then they usually don't. What other problems did you have with the grow manual?


Well-Known Member
i am sorry that you did not get the help you were looking for when you posted this thred. i was/am very intrusted in your grow so i will be staying tune for the finish of this and the begining/end of the next and so forth. Good luck to you in your future grows.

Much love and peace!



Well-Known Member
Here's two iPhone pictures of the box as of today. Still have 3 1/2 weeks till Harvest. The quality sucks because of the camera, but I didnt take it for a lot, those started already too. The new log is beginning shortly, the new seeds all 15 have almost sprouted and are beginning to grow.




Well-Known Member
Harvested and cured. I didnt take photos, busy with another project. The drying took 4 days exactly, and it smells and smokes perfectly.

Total plants: 7 (Capacity 9)
Total dried harvest 5.12oz

One of the plants didnt even have a quarter ounce on it. It was short and weak. Another of them was also very low on production. The other 5 plants made most of the harvest. The next batch that is in there now is already on week 1 of flowering, and that'll be 9 great plants and we're makin 3 mothers from them as well for giggles. Its a good box overall, support from BCNL is great, their manual was finally updated to clarify a lot of my complaints here (thanks!), and the smoke is fantastic.

While the machine did not pay for itself on the first harvest, that was mostly due to my newer growing mistakes of which once you've understood the process its all easy from there.

Log over, unless there are any questions.......


What do you think of the bc bloombox technology and add on modules in comparrison with the new xtreme series harvest master pro by: Homegrown hydroponic ?
Thank you.


Well-Known Member
What do you think of the bc bloombox technology and add on modules in comparrison with the new xtreme series harvest master pro by: Homegrown hydroponic ?
Thank you.
Homegrown Hydroponics is a joke. Do a search here for their domain name and you'll find that the guy is just a moron who aspires to be BC Northern Lights. I'll assume that since this is your 2nd post here that this post is spam, but thanks for letting search engine optimizations bring more negative press about your company now! I thought FF was banned. =P


ink slingin' in the 805

Well-Known Member
nice man.. props on that. its amazing how much you learn from that first grow, weeks of reading wont teach you half of what you need to know. good luck man
Read the thread. :) The grow log is over. I seeded I grew I harvested and still have an ounce from it to smoke. Enjoy.
hey Man, thanks for the information, I'm interested in getting the bloombox royale, I've never grown before so your thread was helpful I don't know half the stuff you knew when you started so I want to make the least amount of mistakes I can, did you setup a new thread as you mentioned?

I have some questions if you can answer them please:

1. Do you live in an apartment, if so was it difficult to get it in your building and to your apartment and into the room where you have it now? Did you have an issues?

2. Does it make allot of noise, can you hear it throughout your home?

3. Do visitors question the box? If you have a landlord would you be worried if they came into your apartment?

4. Out of the seeds you got, which were the best for the bloombox's size and produced the largest yield?

5. Does it seem to stand out? or does it blend in well with your stuff?

6. Have you thought of good ideas to make it more stealth looking?

Thanks for help in advance,
