first grow ever. indoors, in basement, in soil, suggestions & advise plz/thx


hi plus first thred

took some seeds from a oz of good bud, germinated them by damp paper towel method in cubord. after week or so put best four sptouts into two cut off 2L pop bottles, wraped in duct tape soil was basic potting soil. put undet a 3ft floro light balast with some cool whites.(the way its riged it sits right above them at all times) watered with some plant food 10-15-10 i think. after a week and a half could see plants wernt doing well (drainage duh) poked bunches of holes in the bottom of bottles. after a week plants were doin better (bout 4-5in tall) roots could see some in bottom of bottles so decided to transplant (soil smelled anyways from drainage prob. b4) put poting soil 2-3in, in bottom of big 5 galon out door pot, filled the rest with fertilized soil (cheap stuff from dollor general like $12) wattered thoughly, was good for 2 more weeks. have been using water kept in a big 2.5 galon glas jar with no top to redude chlorine. have also been using a small fan to stimulate stalk strength.


Well-Known Member
well looks like you have done some reading, good for you

however fan does not help stalk that is a myth, it is for air/CO2 circulation (plants don't like stale air) and preventing damping off deseases

most cities now use chloromine which is not removed by leaving water out, you should find out what your city/town uses (larger cities tend to post it on the web)

and give you the same advice I give all new growers read the threads in my sig



the fan is one of thoes types that barely moves air but flutters the leaves on low and move the air some. ive stoped the extra food after the first watering after transplant. im 2-3 weeks into first transplant, and ive had to cut the first 2 little leaves on the salks, on all of em (normal) and 2 of the plants now have brown orangish discoloration on the centers of leaves on first branches (chem burn?) have seen white flies, maby they caused it, getin fly paper to hang round. i read isopropal alcahol & water solution will kill em, but mite harm plants waxy coating.? will hand soap work for the soap sud method? could i use raid 4 flying isects? also my stems are no longer red, except 4 one plant they've all turned whitish kinda yellow (again normal) i keep pileing soil round them cus im worried bout stalk strength. lights are on 24/7 for now, also have 1more floro balast &4clamp lights with cfl h.o.lumens (little over1000each) 4later. am i doing ok? there only bout 4-5in above soil, after packin 2X



no pics rite now, sorry can only give description, my first grow& my gf dont know,only i go in basement so safe there. i got to use what i got or can find easly, cant go buying $20 insectcides & foods at wallyworld ya know, any other details i need 2 give? just ask, thx in advance for advice.


Active Member
hate to ask riddleme but why is air movement for a tree not imporve the stalk. cause i would swear by it. ive known of old hippies that didnt use fans and went in and shook thier babies a little bit twice a day to stim stem strength. goodtimez


Well-Known Member

no pics rite now, sorry can only give description, my first grow& my gf dont know,only i go in basement so safe there. i got to use what i got or can find easly, cant go buying $20 insectcides & foods at wallyworld ya know, any other details i need 2 give? just ask, thx in advance for advice.
Stop what you are doing now and cease all growing.
Your GF does not know NOW. Go ahead piss off a woman.

If she is anti, you are headed for a whole big world of hurt.

But hey, good luck with the deception, better have a kick ass filtration system.
Coming from the basement, unfiltered, EVERYONE will know when it's harvest time.


Well-Known Member
hate to ask riddleme but why is air movement for a tree not imporve the stalk. cause i would swear by it. ive known of old hippies that didnt use fans and went in and shook thier babies a little bit twice a day to stim stem strength. goodtimez
why would you hate to ask? asking is how we learn

you could do a side by side grow, one with fan moving plant one with it not and see for yourself if the stem on the one gets bigger/stronger

or you could try to find anything that supports your belief (that you swear by) other than the hippie myth from MJ forums, IOW a regular garden site, or a scientific report or a botany book review

if you find one please let me know because I have as yet not been able to find one?



sorry to waist peoples time, but they all died )^: but time to start anew with the knowledge i gained, that if u start to get worried about white flies dont run to the cubord, and grab the OFF deep woods spray just wait and get fly paper, im doin a spray of rubing alcohol & water, toget rid of them (found the formulation by googlin white fly extermination) ill post it when finished, after there gone im removein the top inch of soil and doing a flush. putin down fresh soil and hoping for best, wish me luck. & my gf isnt anti pot, she dont smoke, she dont kare if i do tho, she buys me my smoke but i was guna supprise her, when i didnt have to re up, mite move the opp to the attic tho less bugs, spiders didnt help the fly proplem cus of fan mite try with without it till plants grow more if that dont work its goin ubove ground, just thougt itd be kool to say i had killer bud, literally. grown where they used to embalm bodies in the basement of a old funeral


Well-Known Member
grown where they used to embalm bodies in the basement of a old funeral home.l

I'd bust both Nads to have that room to set up. If I owned the building.
Wouldn't take me long to come up with a name for that either,,,,

Puff Puff, Passed
I dare Ya'
Undertakers Tokes
Soul's Company

I misunderstood the "anti" you put up and when I see that, that's an automatic red flag.

Use the imagination, ceiling hight of 8ft is workable, damn, to have that room.

Think that over and if it's a rental, build it so you can tear it down in 20 minutes and be clean.


yeah good names, its a whole house built in the 1800s square footage is around 3300 living space dont know if that includes 3rd floor or not, of course the basement is the whole footprint of it & its huge, divided into 2 parts, front 1/2 & bak 1/2, im only runin a small setup, so it can be easy tear down. end result will probably be 2-4 plants, just a tryal run till i get the hang of it, the kicker is that its right exactly where theyd embalm the bodys, u can tell cus how the cements layed out with drain troths and stone wall. when i take pics ill show what i mean, but im guna be usin my other thred, cus i killed my first run.