First Grow Ever. LED. Dwc.


New Member
Okay, so I check the tubs daily and PH has been dropping from 6.0 to around 4.5 almost daily now. I have been cutting way down on nutes to about 300 ppm. The girls have what looks like a tiny bit of nute burn on the tips but not bad. Any ideas what is going on?
If your plants are drinking 280ppm water, and the ppm is rising to 300+ they are eating very little nutes. That's way low for pretty much anything in full bloom in dwc (my dream lotus was getting 300ppm at 3 weeks from seed full veg), and since your ph is getting as low as 4.5 your shit is too far out of the ph range... so they aren't able to use the nutes. I don't believe your leaf tips would burn at 330ppm, I think that might have come from something minor that happened before.

Don't know what you are putting in your water cuz I didn't read the thread... but obviously there's something causing the ph to drop. Be it slime, nasties, nutes, additives, crazy nuclear waste in your well water... who the fuck could know? A shot of the roots like you said you were gonna do with the grow lights off and not blurry as fuck would be sweet. Make sure you have the basics down though... cold water, no light leaks, bubbles, proper nutrient mix, benes/sterile, and ph. Having that down will fix a lot of shit.

All that said, I'm pretty much talking out my ass and have no idea wtf I'm talking about... so probably ignore 90% of my advice.


Well-Known Member
So I dropped my PH meter in the res, grabbed it out really quick, dried it immediately, and let it sit for a few hours but to no avail. It's whacked and taking readings all over the place. Oh well, back to the liquid testing. Here are some shots of the roots and the biggest bud.

PPM's didn't change much today, PH was around 4.0 but not sure exactly since my meter broke. They're back up to around 6.0 and PPm's up to 500 now. We'll see how they look tomorrow. Happy growing! :leaf:

guerrilla medic

Well-Known Member
lol it should start working again in a day or two. i've done it before and they usually come back after they dry out. the roots seem a little discolored and shriveled compared to what i'm used to seeing. pythium can certainly drop ph. i'd watch the ppm and ph carefully over the next two days and if they are not eating anymore and ph continues to drop i would think its fair to say you are having root issues. smell inside the container can also be a dead give away if such a condition exists. good luck brother, keep us posted!


Well-Known Member
I forgot to mention in my last post that I dumped the res and washed it clean. Hopefully that will help take care if any gunk causing issues.


Well-Known Member
Yea.. What are the res temps sittin' at? Maybe nute staining instead of Pythium.. But better safe than sorry.


Well-Known Member
When i was doing DWC and my roots kept dying they kind of looked liked that my buddy who is an experienced grower showed me if you lightly tug on them they fall right off because they are dead, I was able to pull off clumps of dead brown roots, I believe your LED may be throwing off the color in the photo though as I still see a lot of white whereas mine didn't have much of that but I'm not sure. Also I notice you have the roots in the LED light... I've been told that roots HATE light and when you are doing res change outs, or anything that would potentially expose the roots to light you should find a way to minimize light exposure. Maybe have another foil tapes tub that is empty you could put the top onto to keep them in the dark? Or I believe you have them in alight proof tent, maybe seal it up and turn lights off as if it were night cycle while roots are exposed. I'm by no means an expert on DWC but when I was first trying it I did a lot of research so I figure I'd pay it forward.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replies everyone. I do have another empty tub I put them in while doing res changes so they are in the dark. I only propped them up like that to take the pics. I will take more pics tonight with the Led off. The roots do have some white new growth as well but it is hard to see in the pics. I picked up a thermometer on lunch break today so I will be able to check temps when I get home as well.


Well-Known Member
Okay, things are getting back to normal. Since I don't have a PH meter I have to use the solution & vial tester. After changing the res yesterday I brought it up to around 6 and it seems to be stable there; the color of the test water looks the same. PPM's were 500 yesterday, and today at 546. Very nice. Res temp is at 60F

I had issues with upside down photos when I first started this thread. Turns out sometimes when I take pics with my iPhone they are upside down when I upload them to RIU, even though they are right side up on my comp. I wish RIU had a rotate button.


The topped plant on the right has more, but smaller colas, and they are getting much more frostier then the not topped plant on the right. I also noticed when I started flowering these 2, the topped girl was maturing much quicker as well. I am curious to see which will yield more.


Well-Known Member
very very nice grow you have going man

but I`d only drop the ppm`s around 2 weeks before flush in fact if you use some honey to finish you could feed for the last 2 weeks depends on how much flavor you like

I`ve got foggers in some of my dwc boxes and they are only half filled not sure how much better this is yet and it does make temperatures more of an issue

Have you added any Zyme or great white or any beneficial cuture or fungus to your res tanks ? or used hydrogen peroxside

or has this all been done on a 2 part or 3 part hydro feed with no extra cal/mag or anything else added ?

Either way looking good.............


Well-Known Member
I've read about foggers, sounds interesting and looks awesome.

I've only been using plain tap water ( we have really good water around here), and GH's Flora micro & bloom.


Well-Known Member
Oh so you have not been using flora grow or gold nectar ?

Gold nectar is just fulvic acid

Then mate on your next grow if you use all 3 parts of GH`s flora range as well as a fulvic acid and some great white or some other form of beneficial culture and or zyme you`ll probably kill people on here with pictures of the bud

Not that this grow is not really really impressive can`t believe its your 1st grow man but I can see some dark patch`s on your roots not much to worry about but beneficial culture means you`d never need to worry if it was the bad kind of fungus or not

Keep the pics coming :shock:

Oh yeah I use my foggers with a thermostatic controller as they heat up what ever water they are sitting in so I set them to turn off at 21c and they stay on most of the time that way as my grow room is set up to try to stay at 19c at the root zone during the day as a peak sometimes it hits 22c the tops of the plants can hit anything from 16c at night to 26c during the day.

I have noticed that the foggers help root development and lead to a plant that has high shock resistance so I veg all plants using aero now and flower either in dwc or a half filled dwc with foggers.

The ultrasonic foggers don`t like high ppms much so I only have 1 of the half half boxes for flowering at the moment as I really want to compare flavour of the buds between the half aero system and the full dwc systems.


Well-Known Member
Awesome, thanks for the tips Konassure. I'll keep that in mind for my next run. I'll be using advanced nutrients 3 part Jungle Juice, picked up 1 liters at the local store for only $4 a pop!


Well-Known Member
It`s your call man if you have some of AN`s stuff then use it but I avoid them myself as they just seam to be ripping off GH`s stuff

Also I read some pretty bad things about heavy metals in their stuff I don`t belive all their products are bad but after hearing all that about them and nothing quite so bad about other company`s I decided to give them a miss from now on

3 part JJ should be pretty much the same as GH`s Flora range anyway

I`d get some fulvic acid and some zyme I found house and gardens "multi zyme" was pretty cheap I`m guessing your in the usa ? if you can get great white for a good price grab that man I`ve seen nothing but explosive root`s grow due to that stuff.

You don`t look like you "need" any help but with a tiny bit of fine tuning you look like someone that`s going to be growing them 4ft buds you see in hightimes !


Well-Known Member
Alright, the ladies seem to be recovering, drinking much more water. Remember those clones I took a while back? I only kept one and these are her wonderful roots.


Well-Known Member
Dam crispy white roots how clean do you keep your tank ? or are you using distilled water or something ?

My roots never stay that clean but the TNC stuff, I use now makes the water black weeds black, everything black I see that weed go by dressed it its summer clothes I have to smoke my bong untill my bowl a glow`s I see them white roots and I want them painted black I see no fungus and I get a heart attack, I check my ph and my ppm`s everyday I top my water up and quickly walk away


It` like a new strain baby it happens everyday I have to toke a vape and then I fade away

I wanna see it vaped vaped vaped vaped black yeah I wanna see it vaped vaped vaped vaped yeah

Oh shit I should delete this I got some nev`s haze a mate just grew and stuck 3g`s in one vape bag I might be some what high and not talking quite as clear as normal

Carla from the block might say "I`m talking to you like I know you" but your growing weed so in some small way I do

**Fade out to "cos I got high"............................................................................................................ post quick reply post quick reply post quick reply


Well-Known Member
Wow, lol. You re-wrote paint it black stoner style. very nice. I use straight up tap water and dump and clean my tank with soap and water once every two weeks. I think part of the reason I am getting better roots on the clone is because I bought a new high power 4 hose air pump. This baby is also getting 3 part Jungle Juice. Konassure you are hilarious. *Thumbs up* :leaf:


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I was super stonned out

Had some northern lights left from my last grow did a bit of that before hitting the nev`s

I can only remember typing and hitting the bong over and over lol


Well-Known Member
In the last 2 weeks if you make sure you have a drop in night temp`s of 10c or a tad more but keep her over 12c as a min temp, you`ll put her into full out colour mode you don`t have to do it but cold nights make purple strains colour come alive

Looking yummy mate

Got this going on right now myself:

just about in week 3 of flower
