First Grow Ever- Pakistan Ryder feminized 400watt MH/600watt HPS with 4 150watt CFLs


Active Member
Hey guys I'm kinda new to the whole growing scene but I'm from michigan and a few months back I went out and got my medical card. I have all the paperwork and whatnot posted up in my grow room which follows all the guidelines and I think my room is especially cool because it has a steel doorframe with a deadbolt so its pretty much impossible to get in without a key. Anyways I bought a grow tent and lights off one of my buddies who grew last year and I just got it all set up yesterday and have started germinating 12x Pakistan Ryder seeds. I know most people are going to say Wtf why would you grow autoflowers but Im restricted on time and only have about 12 or 13 weeks before I have to move out. I'll post some pics of my setup on here so you guys can let me know what you think cause this is my first time doing it.

Anyways I'm pumped for this little science project!

Here are some pics of the setup I have going

1. Intake vent- Behind here is a small fan blowing the cold air in from the window right above it.
2. Inline fan sucking air connected to the carbon filter system, same tubing as in picture 7 connected straight to the 400 Watt MH
3. Temp/Humidity- Looking good for the first full day of being on
4. Box fan and two 5 gallon buckets full of sink water, letting the chemicals evaporate!
5. Twelve 3 gallon Pots with the bottom water catcher rings on them, Filled with Foxfarms Ocean forest mix, You can also see the 4 150watt CFLs I have set up on each corner of the pots.
6. This is a 400 watt MH light that can be switched out with a 600 Watt HPS. I have a lumitek ballast that is also switchable into super lumens mode.
7. Ventalation work i have done to suck the hot air out from the light which leads to the carbon filter.
8. All my nutes and measuring cups, Nutes include Fox Farm Big Bloom, Tiger Bloom, Then there is just a general liquid fertalizer in there that my buddy gave me.

Open to all suggestions and tips and tricks, I've actually started germinating my seeds so I'll get pics of that up probably tomorrow!



Active Member

Its been 3 days since I started germinating my seeds and I'm a little worried, They all popped the first day within like 12 hours but over the course of the 3 days the taproot on like half of them was just barely sticking out but It was deff there. I went ahead and planted all the seeds though. Wondering if what I did was dumb but I could stand to lose a few plants anyways cause I don't really wanna have 12. Anyways any advice would be nice


Well-Known Member
You have a nice set real advice to give..let them do there thing and dont over fuck with them....and welcome to r i u ....


Active Member
Thanks my man! Honestly you saying that makes me feel a lot better... hopefully they poke above the ground in the next few days.


Active Member
Plants still havn't poked above the ground and I'm starting to worry again. Temp is 75 on the dot and I have my lights on now so the seed can sense the light. Soil is moist.w


Active Member
It's been 10 days since I started germinating, Seeds have been in the ground for like 5 days. None have popped above the dirt soooo yeah hopefully they do in this next week otherwise im chalkin this one up as a loss.


Well-Known Member
give it more time. Make sure your peat pots are well watered. I've had seeds take over a week to germinate. Pakistani ryder is a good strain. I'm growing one right now.


Well-Known Member
If you want to possibly sacrifice one dig down and see whats up with the beans. So they look drowned (they'll be black), or maybe they're planted too deep. Carefully inspect it before you say fuck it, especially with that set up and the money you probably paid for the genetics.


Active Member
I might say fuck it in the next week if there not popped up. I have 12 Big buddah cheese seeds that I could germinate and just grow like 2 of those instead of 12 cause I'm pretty sure 12 of those wouldn't fit in that tent.