Hey guys this is my very first grow and i am having a problem with yellow blotches showing up throughout the grow so far. I am growing in coco i have been phing my purified water to 5.8 bringing ppm up to 175 with cal mag (about 2ml a gal) and up until yesterday i was going off general hydro flora series feeding chart on their website. I decided to give heads Lucas a try and watered last night 6/9 ppms came out at around 720 . My question is what is causing these blotchy yellow spots? I am using 2 1k w hps lights i have 6 more 1k lights that are off right now about 3 feet above plants temps range from 70-81 rh between 45-60. They seem to be growing fine but these yellow spots got me worried.. Also how would you say my growth is going bigger plants in 1 gal are 2 weeks 2 days old solo cups 1 week 4 days old from sprout. Smaller plants in solo are getting half strength. Thanks in advance for anyone with some helpful info i appreciate it.