First. Grow. Ever.


So I'm planning on growing Ak-48, and I germinated it and planted it.

I'm using CFLS and at the moment I only have about 27 watts, but I'm going to get more, so no worries. Unless it is absolutely crucial that it has more than that for this time period.
I'm also putting it out in the sun sometimes when it gets warm here.

I'm going to start this and any help would be awesome. Sorry for any stupid beginner mistakes.
But I'm hoping that with my continuous research and the help of this board I can get a somewhat healthy plant.

Also I'm sorry for the crappy camera, I'll work on that.

Thanks (:

Day 3



You want more watts asap keep em close so you not stretch her SEEDLINGS need alot ov light when you see the first little leaves poking out yours will be probs tommorow so id say get at least a hundred watts over her 4 a week or so then you want a hid.peace


verrrryyyy shitty picture. I will be looking for a good camera. this is what is has since yesterday. I've added more lights, not at 100 watts yet, but I will keep working on that. it seems to look greener which is good, and not as droopy.

Day 4



Ye Looks Good mate no stretch do you have a little fan on her dont let it hit her to much you want as less stretch as possible and to much wind + light hanging to far away are some off the main cuases ov stretching goodluck looking good.peace


Its cool just its so young you not wanna burn them little leaves when the heat build up under the bulb or bulbs you want it blowing over the top ov the plant not on the plant it could also burn your leaves if they get a wind storm lol and what ever anyone tells you dont foiler feed meaning spray your plant or mist it as can cuase you more stress than its worth unless its a clone in a dome lol .peace


The leaves are going completely upward, what's happening?
Also the soil gets bone dry very quickly, I gave it a cup, and now (Day 6 morning) it's bone dry again, is that normal?

Day 5



They are, it's because of the light proximity right?
I moved the lights a little, so they aren't as close and I have a fan running as well.


Active Member
They are, it's because of the light proximity right?
I moved the lights a little, so they aren't as close and I have a fan running as well.
Since you're using CFLs I'd doubt light burn unless you had the light actually touching the seedling. CFLs operate best about 2 inches from the plant. Based on what you've said you may be watering too much though. whats your grow area temp and are you getting your finger down into the dirt a bit to check moisture?


The CFLS are probably about 1 inch away, too close?
And I'm not sure the temperature, as I've not got a thermometer yet, but I'm getting one very soon. I've been checking the soil with my finger and if it is damp or moist I leave it and if it is dry I water. I checked just 5 minutes ago and the soil was bone dry on the top so I gave it a little water.
Quick test to tell if the lights are too close, put your hand where your plants are, is it warm, if so move it up a little. You want the wind blowing the hot air away from the plants and as a bonus it will help to strengthen the stems and get more O2 to them. Just don't let it be too strong on them. It will dry out the surface a bit, but the soil should be good underneath.

As for the water and drying out, they are small plants at this point so its unlikely that if you fill it with water that they'd be drinking it up right away. If the fan is running hard and the lights are too close they could be drying out the soil. This could also be the cause of the pointed up leaves. What are you using for pots? I can't make out what they are.

I usually start with some large dixie cups with 1 hole cut in the bottom with a small drainage dish under them. I fill till it spills out bottom, then i let it sit for about 20-30 minutes then I empty the drainage dish. This much water should treat the plants perfectly for the first 4-5 days without another watering. At least in my limited experience and research. Overwatering is bad, and i did a lot of it my first grow. Stick your finger down into the soil, if just the top is dried out no worries.

Another thing I didn't see you mention is the soil composition you are using. If its just straight soil you'll want to throw some perlite in there. I use Fox Farms Soil ordered online and some perlite picked up at a local gardening shop (or home depot) and mix it with 2/3rds soil 1/3rd perlite but people use all sorts, this is just what I use. If you can't afford fox farms then pick up a local soil from a garden supply center. Try to get one without any nutes in it. I did that for one grow when i couldn't afford Fox Farms, worked fine. From everything I've read I'd stay away from Miracle Grow if posible. Besides a good garden supply shop will have cheaper stuff and without the added nutes.

Lastly, for right now make sure your water is dechlorinated and that its ph balanced. Almost all tap water is chlorinated so an easy fix for this is to fill up a bucket with water and let it sit in the open air for a minimum of 24 hours. Then its ready for the next step of ph balancing. For this you'll need a test kit. You can grab this online and possibly a local store. I ordered the advanced nutrients ph test kit and it rocks. I didn't balance my first grow for about 1 month and my plants showed it.

Most of all, good luck!


Right now I have the fan facing kinda towards the plant on low, is that too much?
I'll make sure to always check the soil with my finger, instead of just looking at the top. I'm just using a ceramic pot right now, but I'll probably be switching over to a 1 gallon pot with holes in the bottom by the end of the week. Do you think I should switch it to a dixie cup right now though?
I think the soil has perlite in it, but I'll be going to go get some more soil anyways, and I can make sure it has perlite in it.
I've been using Culligan water from my water tank/jug, is that alright?
I'll also make sure to get a ph balancing kit this week along with a thermometer.

Also thanks to everyone so far that has commented, it's really helping (:
Fan facing it on low isn't too much, just make sure the plant isn't swaying too much.

Don't transport to a dixie cup right now. The transport shock would do more harm than good. Just wait till the 1 gallon trasnport.

Most soils already have perlite in them, even fox farms. However, they don't usually have them in the optimal quantity that we are looking for. The idea of perlite is to help drainage and to keep the soil from getting to compressed. It helps to prevent over watering that a new grower, like myself last year, suffer from. Over watering is the most frequent problem most new growers have and adding perlite will help with this as it will allow the soil to drain properly when too much water for the plant is added.

I don't know if Culligan water is chlorinated or not, but before i'd continue using it I'd make sure. If you can't find out, then let it sit over night in open air before using.


It's moving just a teensy bit. And I think I'll be transferring it to a 2 gallon instead, I want it to have more grow space.
If this soil doesn't have good perlite, will it be alright till around Saturday?
I'll make sure to leave the water sitting out, just in case.
Also are there any specific nutes I should get? Phosphorus, stuff for blooming, etc. I'm kinda of lost in the whole process, and don't want to have to order anything online. Fox farms isn't over here, and the shipping costs to ship it over here are crazy. Will my local head/grow shop have what I need?


Mate It Wants Light Man That why it pointing up i bet you get a hps and itl love it but ye they be a tad close to that light by the looks or maybe as its evaporating the water out the pot fast maybe in morning befor the fan comes on thers been a little moisture on the tips Maybe leave fan on 24 seven.Peace

Mate As for feed its all about canna
canna start
canna veg
canna flor
boost ect
Yeah I'm thinking its either too little light getting to the plants or a dry issue. If you stick your finger down into the soil and there is still water there then its light, so move them closer and keep the fan on them to keep the heat off.

As for nutes, since you are a first time grower I'd stick with a pre made nute solution to avoid having to try to learn home made nute solutions while trying to learn how to grow at the same time. Doesn't have to be fox farms, advanced nutrients puts out good stuff, and I'm sure there are others. The guys you see posting about home made nutes have been doing so for years and have perfected their grows. When your first starting off its a huge challenge to get everything right and adding one more problem into the mix will make it that much harder.


Well-Known Member
mate you'd be better off leaving those near a window with sunligt then under 27 watts of cfl.