First Grow Ever


Active Member
First grow I've ever done and I'm not sure how things are going. I've got a single plant under a 1000w MH, on for 18 off for 6. It's in a 5 gallon pot, I've been feeding it a 20/20/20 formula and thats pretty much it. I'm not sure what type of plant it is or how old, I got it from a buddy 3 weeks ago and it was still pretty young then, so I'm guessing it's 5-6 weeks. Any advise?



Active Member
get bloom nutes and a hps for flower make sure not to over feed or water (feed is using nute if you dont know) you dont always water with nutes read up on forums im not sure a 20 20 20 solution sounds like to much .... that being said enjoy your journey in cultivation may you prosper and earn some wisdom along the way.


Well-Known Member
You are gonna need to pull it down and force branching. With a single top you yeild will suffer. Put a fan on it and you should be able to move the light 18" or so above it.


Active Member
I've got two fans going because of the heat from the 1000w MH which is just low enough that the back of my hand is just getting warm. I've also got an intake fan and exhaust fan running, temp is 28 Celsius. For flowering I've got 2 x 150w HPS and 4 x 4' T5 fluorescents. How do you force branching?


Active Member
Update, it's about 7-8 weeks now and I think it doing pretty good. Started supplementing with seeweed conentrate and it's really filled out. Any advise at this stage?IMG_1866.jpgIMG_1867.jpgIMG_1868.jpgIMG_1870.jpg


Well-Known Member
It is an indica-dominat variety and appears to be in good health.
I did notice you don't have any drain holes in your bucket. You can
avoid a lot of potential problems by drilling a half-dozen holes along the bottom
of the pail.

Update -- time to flower!



Well-Known Member
It is an indica-dominat variety and appears to be in good health.
I did notice you don't have any drain holes in your bucket. You can
avoid a lot of potential problems by drilling a half-dozen holes along the bottom
of the pail.

Update -- time to flower!

just wondering where you put your drain holes because none of the pics show the underside of the bucket........


Well-Known Member
to the original poster, your plant looks great keep on doing what your doing. if you have room to let it get bigger keep on vegging and transplant into a 10 gal container for a monster yeild and plant.

if room is running out switch to flower, she will stretch a little bit but after that it will stop growing vertically and start producing buds.


Active Member
I have been told now by a few people to put it in a bigger bucket, it's the only one in the room so I'm gonna Veg it for probably another 4 weeks before I switch it over. I do have drain holes drilled in the bottom of the bucket, about 2 dozen 3/8" holes and 2 inches of drain rock in the bottom of the bucket. I'm a little nervous what I'm coming home to in 4 days, I'm away for Christmas so I watered before I left and inserted some self watering bulbs in the soil so it doesn't dry out too fast.


Active Member
I've decided to make us of all my space so I've got 4 seeds of Canadian Medical Seeds (F6: MS-17/596 x MS-17/338 Clone) in jiffy pucks urrounded in small pots by black sea soil fertilized with fish. I've also got Dill, Basil, Indian Mustard, and Super Beefsteak Tomatoes, all going in the same jiffy pucks. I also brought home 2 more 400w MH fixtures and 2 more 250w HPS fixtures. Does anybody know if it will fuck up the other plants when I switch over to flowering for my big plant going now? I'll obviously seperate the 4 other MJ plants into a seperate grow room, but do veggies need to move?

thats a lot of light for just one plant. you should be able to get at least 15 more plants the same size if you change your method to perpetual sea of green. Remove the reflection hood, and you can place the light either vertical or horizontal. just have a fan blowing directly onto the tip of the bulb to reduce heat.(since the ballast is connected to the bulb, it will also reduce the heat of the ballast) you will be able to harvest in about 9 weeks rather than the eternity you are waiting now for buds. you will have a yeild every three weeks, instead of just one every 3 months. do not go bigger than a 5 gal bucket otherwise you will take up too much space. rootbound them in the 5 gal. when in a veg state keep the lights on for 24 hrs, then switch to 12/12 after 3 weeks, then just 6 to 7 weeks of harvest if you do it right. dont worry if they seem to small in veg state, they will stretch and grow within the first 2 weeks of flowering. you do not want them too tall in veg otherwise you will end up with a 10 ft ganja plant with stretched out wispy buds.
Just remember to keep the lights at least a foot away with the 400w hps and 250 w hps because the wavelength isn't as powerful as much brighter bulbs. It will still be in the spectrum around 650 nm for photo synthesis, but the further away the light is from the plant, the more the amplitude of the wavelength will decrease! So bending and cropping is great for more coverage of the light. Also keep a fan bowing directly onto the bulb to keep it from over heating, and wipe the bulb down with a microfiber cloth DAILY to avoid dust build up. depending upon the ballast you can buy large computer fans that will help cool it down
keep the smaller younger plants inward, directly underneath the light. the larger, more mature plants on the outside to absord the lighting from the side. Remember that the best lighting comes from the sides of the bulb. not from the tip. point the fan at the tip!