First Grow/First Journal:White Castle,Train Wreck,LA Woman,Lemon Skunk-CFL 900w


Active Member
don't snip em man, tye em off, or down if you can. b nice if you had an extra breaker, i had two 20 amp 120v extra in mine, i know, be jealous. This is the fun part though, planning and thinking green, i can't stop thinking about it! don't snip em though, fan leaves feed the plant. If you ever do trim, lolly pop the bitch before flower, the bottom don't get light anyway. You won't need to do that if you lst though, or scrog. A lot to think about!
yea,def alot to think about mann lol. and i dont know if its cause im super stoned or not bongsmiliebut all that voltage and ampage was like reading arabic to me:lol: your def right tho,tie down it is!


Active Member
what up everyone..for anyone that was keeping track,sorry for the absence,had alot of bull ishh goin on.

anyway,here it is
i did some LST and put in a legit exhaust. i got a 165cfm hydrofarm in-line,nothing crazy,but for the closet size should do the trick..mainly for flower. im waiting on a 400w hps to come,i figured the 1000w i have would fry them in there. thats really all im waiting on to begin flower,so next update will be in flowering:weed:
apologize for the low quality of the fan pic.

Top Left:LA woman Top Right:white castle Bottom Left: train wreck Bottom Right: lemon skunk



Active Member
ok so by now its painfully obvious no1 is keeping up with my little journal here lmfao,so im officially doing this for my own personal amusement:weed:


Active Member
just tuned in man, keep the updates coming, when is the flower light going to be there? and do you plan on keeping any of the cfls in while flowering?


Active Member
just tuned in man, keep the updates coming, when is the flower light going to be there? and do you plan on keeping any of the cfls in while flowering?
nicee...the light will be here tomorrow i think,and if i can finagle a way to drop some cfls in i def will..but as bushy as they are it doesnt look like ill have much room with out having them right against the foliage


Active Member
is there enough room to put a couple table lamps in there with some y spliters? adding a bit of blue spec light durring flower helps keep my buds nice and dense thats why im asking.


Active Member
is there enough room to put a couple table lamps in there with some y spliters? adding a bit of blue spec light durring flower helps keep my buds nice and dense thats why im asking.
no theres not enough room for any kind of table lamps. but i may be able to drop them in from the top,or clamp them on to somthing. i just put the hps in now and it took forever,its kinda rigged,but i think it will hold(zip-ties are holy!) lolol


Active Member
ohh boy, problems ...big problems. the lamp fried them! i have a 165cfm hydrofarm inline for exhaust,and 2 desk fans in there. i don't know what went wrong. 3 of them are dried out,twisted and droopy with brown burn spots everywere, and the 4th is really fried,it basicly looks dead. how do i save them??


Active Member
mist the leaves down with phed water, and water them nice if the soil is dry, and move that light up, with a 400watt should be like 12-16 inches from foliage i think, unless u have a sealed lens with air cooling for the reflector. then i coiuld be closer.


Active Member
ok so i figured out were i went wrong..i paired a 400w bulb with a 1000w balast..yea tisk tisk. but wtf do i know..whats done is done,now how to i save them..i watered them right away cause the soil was real dry.put them back into veg cause i dont want flower them half ass. so i put the 200w 6500k cfl back over them for now,and at 24/ if they come back to life im affraid of them becoming hermies cause of all the stress and iregular light cycles they have been getting..i dno im totaly bumbed and dont know wtf to do:confused:



Active Member
its looking like there is only one thats real bad man, get out the pruning scissors and go to work, clip them off just above the first good node. give them a couple weeks of veg light to get them back to growing and reset thier hormones and then put them back into flower and keep a real close eye on the to make sure you catch a hermie. on the up side of that is the fact that you can get a ton of femmed seeds if one does hermie on you:mrgreen:


Active Member
its looking like there is only one thats real bad man, get out the pruning scissors and go to work, clip them off just above the first good node. give them a couple weeks of veg light to get them back to growing and reset thier hormones and then put them back into flower and keep a real close eye on the to make sure you catch a hermie. on the up side of that is the fact that you can get a ton of femmed seeds if one does hermie on you:mrgreen:
yea just that one is real messed i did just that and started clipping a few hours ago..i dno if i should leave the leaves that are curled and crispy on the other plants ,or will the plant use w.e little energy is left in the dried leaves?