First grow/First post


Just posting to keep track of first grow. Plan on doing this every year and wanted to get on a forum page for future help/ideas.

this is a 3gal fabric pot. I did want a small plant so I could move around and keep it more hidden from neighbors. Does this grow look normal size? Healthy? I think I got a couple weeks until harvest, my microscope just broke :(, looked like trichomes were just starting to turn a bit cloudy. I used fox farms ocean soil. Fox farms grow big, big bloom, tiger bloom, and bush doctor a bit.

one question I’ve been wondering is when I start flushing just water, should I do it around when they’re all cloudy and flush for 14 days or so then cut when start turning Amber? Or wait to flush when I see some Amber? I hate smoking bud that’s harsh/black ash so I definitely want a good flush. If it’s not solid smoke I will just let my lady make some edibles from it.

anyways just wanted to post for future grows. GOODLUCK on your harvests guys!

PNW Washington State grow, planted from seed I found in around mid May.View attachment 4998826View attachment 4998832View attachment 4998841View attachment 4998842
"I hate smoking bud that’s harsh/black ash so I definitely want a good flush."

You seem to have a strong opinion about it already so why not do your own experiment, flush one and next time don't, or don't and next time do and see what YOU can tell about it, if anything.
Why 'take someone else's word about it' when you can find out firsthand for yourself, especially when it's so easy to do?

The important thing is if you try it make SURE you're not flushing the medium out too early! IMO you're not flushing the plant, the plant will be what it was fed over it's life cycle, you're flushing the medium be it soil, coco, what have you, will it make any noticeable difference? Well, that remains to be seen, by you.
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