First grow, First post

So i've been reading alot like most people. about 6 months.. tried my hand at a quick make shift cab for veg. the seed cracked on the 14th and has been growing quite good. started using my wifes plant starter food.. which is 10-52-10 once the bean had sprouted.

It looks like my reading has helped outalot. going over other peoples grows and thier problems have helped me out alot. it currently has 4 26 65k. but can have 8 bulbs total.

looking for any info or pointers. ;-)





Looks good but definitely don't add any nutes yet wait until week 2-3 to start adding them and use at 1/4 strength of what it says on the bottle at first and slowly work your way up to full strength.

Also I'd try and get more specific nutrients I am not sure about what you are using it might be ok but I'd recommend the general hydroponics flora series (micro, gro, bloom) they work really well and are very well priced at around 12$ each. I also use cal-mag and blast off.

Good luck with your first grow seems like you got a decent start and atleast you know your shit tired of seeing threads of people who post "I planted a seed can someone tell me what I do now?" lol

the nutes that ive been adding are for root development. and the container says to add it 2-3 days after it has sprouted. to be on the safe ive only been giving 1/4 like most people start off with. the nutes... which i know arnt the best etc.. but were free due to my wife having them are plant-prod. the plan with this grow is just to see if i am willing enough to ride it all out before i spend some big bucks.. i think im sitting at 50 bucks so far total. lights, fan and paint. all the other stuff i had laying around.
So its on day 15 since breaking the soil. It needed a friend so i cracked a WW seed also. Ive topped it but id also like to try LST, but the damn thing is quite bushy... should i put more space between it and the light so it stretches out some?? Forgive the nute burn seems 1/4 is still strong... gonna let it grow some then try 1/8 dose.

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yes its because the lights were so close when i first started my seedlings they were 3-4 inches away so they stretched nicely but then filled iut by week 2-3 because it was closer to the lights... get what i mean?>
well since it is so short, i have topped in 2 more places along with starting LST. i have no idea when i will start to flower to be honest, maybe in 3 weeks.. which would bring it close to 6 weeks veg. any thoughts?
I also picked up a 50 cfm bathroom fan, which has lowered my temps alot and given me a better passive air intake. im gonna guess the first one is always hard/interesting, you learn from it and keep on getting better.

heres an update, plants continue to grow, everytihng is going great etc. wondering whats the average veg time. bigger one is going on.. 6 weeks i believe thinking its almost time to switch.

took my first clone of the bigger one ( nothern lights fem ) hope it makes it..

i think ive done decent with cropping and LSTing them. any comments/suggestions are welcome.