first grow...first thread...easy ryder and badseed PICS!


Active Member
alright im pretty sure my next seed run is gonna be 3 more easyryder's cause i think i can do good things with this gonna get a 5 fem pack of tangarine dream..the CC winner this also gonna get a few of top69 and fast bud for something to throw in the back of my closet...the fast bud is suppose to finnish fast hence the name...and the top69 is just really fuck it...i plan on growing out the autos first while i make a tangarine dream i figure afetr vegging the tangarine dream for the 60-70 days the auto's take i can have a mother and a bunch of clones....flower the mother and some smaller clones and use 1 of the clones to become to new mother...


Active Member
this is what attitude is throwing in with that order - ufo#1 privida kandy kush, ufo#3 kanniba seeds lablanca fem, ufo#2 cannaba seeds afrodite fem...niicce...ill prolly veg out a kandy kush...but i may be getting a little ahead of myself....


Active Member
barbie the craziest shit ever is i got some random bagseed from this girl at work and out of the 4 seeds two germed and both were female and FUCING PURPLE!! the bud is dark purple...everywhere...not green purple! how fucking great is that!? i only wish i knew the strain now im just calling it "the purps"


Active Member
here ya go...i usually try to take pics with the hps off but whatever...the easy ryder is soo thinking a is day 63 so that makes sense..the spiderkush's are each 2-3 feet tall and i cannot wait to flower dem bitches...2 out of 3 have female pre-flowers..the 3 clones i took from spiderkush#1 are fucking gonna take a bunch more clones off them but i just cant seem to get my strategy down for after the easy ryder of now i move all the flowering plants into the dark room for 12 hours of i basically have a veg room and a autoflower room...but after the easy ryder is done should i keep moving flowering plants into the dark room (a huge pain in the ass) or just flower everything! a third option is too run some small floro's or cfls in the now dark room as a "mother" room...i dunno yet..i really dont want to run any more ill prolly just keep moving them everyday..i also think my next purchase is gonna be for a c02 system...i really feel my cola's should be bigger...the pics are all labeled...



Active Member
just ordered 3 more easy ryders a few barney's tangerine dream and a la diva (just for you soa)
im gonna run the easy ryder and la diva while i run the spider kush's out and veg more spider kush's the barneys will be after the spider kush


Active Member
update tonight when the lights go is day 70 for the easy ryder but it's still mostly clear say 70 30 from clear to amber yet


Active Member
mini update....easy ryder is still not done...tricomes are about 60 40 clear to waiting to see about 20 percent amber and im gonna pull..big bertha isnt even thinking another few weeks...sat will be 8 weeks flowering...took more clones of spider kush #2 yesterday

