First Grow - Florida


New Member
Hello, this is my first post. Thanks in advance for having me...

I'll cut to the chase, as I've been following along with many threads without posting up until now. I am planning for my first grow in South Florida. "For laughs", I planted a bagseed (since I hardly ever see them) to see what I could make of it with my little (no) knowledge on growing. I am planning for a legitimate "serious" grow and look to begin later in March or early into April. For now, I'll walk you through this Experimental Grow...

I began with the seed in a coffee mug with water in a dark cabinet for about 4 days until it cracked open. I then planted the hatched seed in some Organic Starter Soil for a week:

After a week or so, (somewhere around 02/03/14) I transferred the plant to a larger pot. I filled the bottom of the pot with a roughly 2" layer of Peat Moss:

And filled the rest of the pot with this organic potting soil:

I realize after doing more research now that I probably should have (correct me if I'm wrong) mixed down the soil to dilute the medium some to avoid over-treating the plant. Is this soil too much on it's own? If so, what should I mix in with it in the future? Is it worth repotting this plant (pictures below)?

Here is the plant as of today. Keep in mind, I'm not taking this grow seriously, rather just for fun while I prepare for the more serious grow in the coming weeks. (Keep in mind I also have NO clue as to whether this is male or female)

I also seem to have some pests getting to some of the leaves:

So really this initial post was meant for me to get some feedback on a few things:

-What should I be doing differently for this current plant or should I trash it and start from scratch?
-What seeds should I purchase for growing outdoors in South Florida?
-I've read some about people starting plants inside until they are into the vegetative state and then transferring outside, what are the benefits?
-How can I promote a shorter turnaround for growing outdoors? Meaning, can I do anything to be able to harvest a crop earlier?
-Should I try topping or training this plant?
-How serious do my bug problems seem? What action needs to be taken?


Well-Known Member
Just don't add food to your brand of soil as it is already loaded with a slow release formula.
Next plant look for soil without. Food and then you can buy Nutes that will benefit your plant.
I'm in S. Florida, too.

1.) Keep it and let it show you what mary jane likes and dislikes before your main grow.

2.) We can grow anything just be mindful of heavy indicas and other plants that produce super dense nugs as heavy rains will cause em to mold quickly. Sativas or sativa doms flourish in our climate. Ill be running Ace Seeds Panama this year but previously had success with THC Bomb, MNS NL x Haze, and Easy Sativa from Female Seeds outdoors.

3 & 4) Vegging indoors before planting out allows you to grow strong plants therefore bypassing the seedling and initial veg stages. This helps grow big plants with a better chance of survival. Whether you veg indoors first or not, generally (depending on strain) plants down here will flower immediately once reaching maturity because of the light cycle down here.

5.) Yes.

6.) Not serious. Give it some more time before making a judgment.

You'll be good, bro. Just watch it and she'll tell you what she needs. You'll learn a lot.


^^ What he said. You've armed yourself with the knowledge, now go forth and bear bud fruit to the world! :)


New Member
Thanks everyone for the replies, very helpful. I'll do some more research on exactly what mix I want to use for my real grow. Anyone have good reading material for me? Or maybe a soul recipe that would be good for my climate?

Also, I topped my plant this morning so that the morning sun can maybe help it get a head start on growing out a bit. I'll take some pictures when I'm back at the site.
Thanks everyone for the replies, very helpful. I'll do some more research on exactly what mix I want to use for my real grow. Anyone have good reading material for me? Or maybe a soul recipe that would be good for my climate?

Also, I topped my plant this morning so that the morning sun can maybe help it get a head start on growing out a bit. I'll take some pictures when I'm back at the site.
How many nodes did it have before you topped it? I would've waited another week or so.

Google: Tom Hill's Soil Mix. This guy grows unbelievable trees that are extremely healthy and don't require much nutrients because of whats in the mix. I don't know of any grow books to recommend but you won't need one between Google, ICmag, and RollItUp.



Well-Known Member
I've used that peat moss before and pin pointed it as causing issues with my grow...I'm in the 321 of Florida...also be aware of and research budworms for future issues...g/l


New Member
How many nodes did it have before you topped it? I would've waited another week or so.

Google: Tom Hill's Soil Mix. This guy grows unbelievable trees that are extremely healthy and don't require much nutrients because of whats in the mix. I don't know of any grow books to recommend but you won't need one between Google, ICmag, and RollItUp.

3 nodes so far I believe. Too soon?


Well-Known Member
I would gently suggest that you fill your containers up more closely to the rim.
Maximize the plants root growth area in your containers.

Have fun and get to know your plants.
Good Luck.

I love growing in SoFla!!!


New Member
I would gently suggest that you fill your containers up more closely to the rim.
Maximize the plants root growth area in your containers.

Have fun and get to know your plants.
Good Luck.

I love growing in SoFla!!!
Ok I will for my real grow, but should I fill this one up or let this one go as is? And should I just pour some more should on the top or do I need to take the plant out and fill and mix the soil?
Ok I will for my real grow, but should I fill this one up or let this one go as is? And should I just pour some more should on the top or do I need to take the plant out and fill and mix the soil?
Leave this one as is.

I would recommend using plastic pots next time that have really good drainage. If the pots you like don't have drainage to your standards you can always drill or cut extra holes at the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Ok I will for my real grow, but should I fill this one up or let this one go as is? And should I just pour some more should on the top or do I need to take the plant out and fill and mix the soil?
Once your plant gets taller (several inches above the rim), then you can fill your container all the way up to the rim.
This will provide you with a nice, thick sturdy stem. Don't worry about having a slight depression within which to water, your soil will compress, giving you plenty of room for watering (feeding).
I would also suggest that in your future "serious" grow, that you add oodles of perlite and or vermiculite to your medium.


New Member
Hoping that this isn't just wishful thinking but it appears that the female white hair/pistils are sprouting from right where I topped the plant last week.

Can anyone confirm?



New Member
If this is a lady, do I need to now change anything I'm doing to care for the plant? Where should I go from here?


Just keep on keepin on... If you're going to be outside the whole time she might start to try to flower. If you live way out in BFE just put a cfl light real close to her all night and that will keep her from flowering. This early ouside and by the time OCT comes around you could have a monster on your hands if you're gonna do it in your back yard just dig a 3x3x3 hole and put some good organic soil in there and just transplant into that hole and let her reach her true potential. FTP right?!?!