First grow. Flower week 4. Update


Active Member
So thanks to a few members on here my plants are startin to do better. i posted a couple days ago about a bad case of root rot and some yellow leaves. Everything seems to be recovering nicely. Here's an update on my ladies. Sour diesel. Lemon Haze. And a bag seed that I'm pretty sure is Island Sweet Skunk. Keep in mind this is my very first grow. I think its lookin pretty good for a first attempt. Happy growing!!!

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Man that looks sweet... If I can get anything like that going my first time, I'll never stop smiling:) Good work!


New Member
Good Job!! They prolloy look even better without the HPS light making them look yellow. Props on your first successful grow:peace:


Active Member
thanks for the comments everyone. and i know it looks a bit more mature than it is but trust me its just the 5th week now actually. they've been growing for about 3 months since seed. I've had all kinds of problems from overheating due to broken a/c. root rot. humidity issues. nutrient burn. everything that is fixable has happened. they damn near died real bad a month ago. But now they r lookin mighty fine. I'm still in awe because of how good my first attempt is turning out. A lot of money and time has been put into this small project so i better get atleast an oz or 2 of premium smokage!