First Grow from bagseed under CFLs


Active Member
I've always wanted to grow but never thought I had the space or supplies necessary. Well long story short, I decided to try it. Germinated a seed in dirt then once I knew I had some life I went out and got miracle grow organic choice potting soil (slow release 10-5-5) and a few 27w 5500k cfls (3 to be exact :D). Currently have the sprout growing under 2 bulbs w/ reflectors a vortexing fan blowing 24/7 (not directly on the seedling) and have been watering about every other day. Anyways heres the pics the first is from three days ago the second is today (seedling is about 10 days old and on an 18/6 light/dark cycle). All coments/advice are welcome.

Ps. I plan on adding a few more cfls as it grows and doing some LST because this plant cannot get huge. Also thinking of buying a cheap HPS for flowering (thinking one even as small as 50watts($35-60) + a few 2000k cfls will do the trick), since i've only got this one and it could be male i'm not gonna spring for the HPS untill i know the sex. Budget & space are issues I am currently dealing with.



Active Member
Well the two week mark has been hit and with new growth comes a new setup. I added the third cfl and an emergency blanket for some reflectivity. The third node is also almost fully formed and I am starting to wonder when I should begin LST. Another thought is topping/fimming, i do hope to use topping or fimming in conjunction with LST but am unsure as to when i should begin.... is two weeks old to soon? Some feedback would be greatly apreciated.

pics : setup / hight (LST time?) / view of new growth (2nd & 3rd nodes)


Active Member
Its beginning to grow its 4th node, and the third is branching out, can i begin LST or is it still too early, the plant is about as tall as a pen. I tried to post an update yesterday but I guess it hasn't been approved, not even sure whether this one will post immediately but this thread needs a bump because I'd really like some feedback.


Active Member
if its about the size of a pen, id say your good to start lst'ing. just remember they are fragile.
keep us updated and lets see more pics!


Active Member
pics : )

from what I've seen people tend to wait a little longer, until they get bigger/bushier but the faq says third node this and third node that and thats were I'm about at, I'm also very anxious and cant wait to begin.



Active Member
I can't wait to start, the reason I ask is because from what I've seen on the forum people are waiting until their plants get bigger/bushier to start but all the FAQ's are like third node this and third node that and the third node is done forming so now I'm not sure what to do anyways check out the pics and thanks for the reply Oak

sry about the quality though, cant find a great camera : /



Active Member
looking good.
i give the go ahead to start but maybe wait till you get a little bigger of a pot then start lst in that. less shock i would think.


Active Member
i fear death is upon us.... its a day past the three week mark and its lookin wilted, been the same for the last three days and i watered yesterday, pH is normal and temps are good, humidity is low along with low nute levels check the pics ill post the same ones here as i did in the problems section because they are the most recent btw the link to my help thread is here :

i need some help or i'm afraid its gonna croak : /


Active Member
yeah i started lst and it responded really well untill a few days later when it decided to get all droopy on me, i have no idea whats doing it but i bet its got somethin to do with the tap water its been drinking...... anyways today the shopping spree continues because im goin out to get a spray bottle maybe i damaged the roots probing around or placing my spikes for the lst ima try a folar watering to see if it can snap the plant outa this slump its been in. thanks for the help guys but i just dono what to do at this point should i flush? should i feed? i already undid my lst tie downs and watered the night b4 last


Well-Known Member
hey mad.
i have that same ph tester made by burbee.
i cant seem to get mine to work. do you just shove it deepinto the soil?
ive tried everything. new batteries and everything. just doesnt seem to work.


Active Member
Mine says it needs no batteries but is the electronic burpee soil tester ($18 @ home depot), but it does say that the soil must be wet, and by wet they say "to a mud consistency" this is most likely because the oxidation reduction reaction used to measure the pH and fertility needs the soil in some sort of solution to happen, your best bet is to measure after each watering so you know the approximate soil ph/fertility for the next watering or you can take a soil sample and try and test that or just splash some water on the area your going to insert the probe into and wait, at first i was like this thing doesn't do anything but i left it in for about a minute and i started to see the dial begin to creep. rocks and twigs can also affect your readings and try to immerse the entire probe in your wet test area, i hope this thing is half accurate because it was showing me readings where my problem is not pH or over fertilizing. might as well post a pic of the plant attempting to grow this morning still all droopy and my humidity is still low could a small humidifier add moisture to the air and solve this droopy mess?



Well-Known Member
J, after geting home and giving this some actual thought, i think your problem might be the tap water, since the plant is still a baby. Try using some regular fresh water for a few days and see if that helps, oh and btw make sure u dont burn them leaves. smoke some pot for me:joint: keep me updated.


Active Member
much better today after a tough night i woke up early and folar fed it some nutes, clean water seemed to do the trick but lower groth is still stunted and i am considering restarting lst soon to re-encourage lower growth any ideas/comments? and thanks to those who helped!!



Well-Known Member
wow, looks alot better man, it looks as though you could continue to LST, stems , leaves look alot healthier , stronger


Active Member
so this morning i woke up took a look and checked the soil, i decided o water, it seems that in this pot it needs water every 3rd day so i watered with bottled water (aquafina b/c its got no sodium) mixed with 10-10-10 Vigoro all purpose plant food simply because after this whole drooping mess and the lowest leaves turning bright yellow (also top few sets of leaves were darker around the outside than in the middle, looked like it needed something anything) i figured it was time for some feed, it was watered about 4 hrs ago and looks excellent now :D i can only hope it begins to grow at the rate it previously was, once it enlarges a lil bit ill try some more lst (a project for tomorrow once the GF bounces and leave me wit nothin to do)

edit : notice how the lower nodes started to grow new shoots then just halted on em and their sitting there all droopy where the first set of leaves were, i really hope when i restart lst the plant begins to focus on them again because if it does that means more colas for me!!!
PS. lol theres still a posibility it could be MALE!!! its only been growing less than 4 weeks from seed and i see no preflowers



Active Member
so its been about two weeks without an update, i've been really busy lately and just couldn't find the time. but here she is and i say she because i hope shes a female, ive been checkin out her preflowers which have begun to form and im hoping for hairs ^_^ but here are some pics, she responded alot better to the LST once she got bigger (ima start wrapping it around the pot soon) and is now bent to be about as tall as her 3 week younger sibling (has like triple the nodes) and new growth is beginning to boom, the second set of fan leaves (first set of 3) is starting to yellow and im not too worried, but ima go pick up some fish emulsion and give it some good stable nutes on the next watering which should be in a day or two anyways enjoy, all comments welcome



Well-Known Member
damn man, that lst is going better than i thought, im hoping its a female to:joint::joint: keep that on the low, but high enough to see.:confused::bigjoint: