First grow from clone, its starting to rot, what do i do?


Well-Known Member
it will be fine plants like (+10*C at night) and (40*C - 50*C Max) in a box as its not alot of AIR (the less air in a area the hotter ) but plants can be fine in hotter weather in the middle east like + 50*C


Active Member
sweet man, thanks. for now im good, maybe il buy more clf's for flowering.

Im going to add my 45waqtter in the speaker and point a fan toward it
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Active Member
i have 5600 max that i can use at once. Should i let the plant veg under 3000 lumens? and put 5600 for flowering. I heard that u need more lumens for flowering


Well-Known Member
Lumens do not directly add. The more lights you have at X number of lumens the more saturated the area is with light. If you have two lights at 2600 lumens you don't get 5200 lumens. The plants under the two hypothetical lights will get more of the full force of the 2600 lumens. Weird, but thats how light works.


Well-Known Member
Yh its like this .:::.

A 125w cfls has 12,000 lumens so if i had two 125watters its still 12,000 lumens but x(times) 2 the coverage!!!

Not 24,000 lumens (12,000 lumens x 2 the coverage)


Active Member
i had no idea it was like that.

That means that a 2600 lumen output + 3000 lumen = 2800 x 2

So do u guys think its better to have 2 125w cfls rather than 12 10w cfls?


Well-Known Member
lol Yh
Envirolites are becoming a more and more popular alternative to HID lighting. They are effective, energy saving, reliable

Like a 30w clf has 2000 Lumen intensity (so it cant penetrate the bud deep enough thats why you get reli small buds)
125w Envirolite cfl 12000 Lumen intensity (Envirolites can penetrate bud ok still not great but still with more light it will)
a 400w hps has around 55000 Lumen intensity (hps will penetrate bud great up to 10 ft away)


Active Member
do u guys think a plant would live in a 2 by 1 foot box filled with mirrors on the inside with only a output of 1750 lumens?

put it like this, with light being reflected practically everywhere except the plant, instead of it coming from one side penetrating the leaf, it would come in half intensity from both sides and equal the same,right? But thats only 2 sides, if it comes from up,down,front,back,left right then it will penetrate the leaf with a lower intensity light, right?
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Active Member
i have a socket in the speaker, i was thinking of isolating it with mirrors and put the 1750 so it doesnt get too hot because even with the three computer fans, the higher wattage bulbs get too hot for that little space


Well-Known Member
u would be better off using white walls the reflect more light with mirror it refects the light but makes heat spots and eats the lumans that are thrown at it. o and for flower i would get a hps instead of cfl i have 4 25watt cfls had like 3000lumans each and i got like 2 grams lol with 400watt hps i got 1.5ounces. still a realy bad yield but i had realy bad heating issues.


Active Member
well at the moment I've got a massive hole in my wallet. Il probably flower it in 1,2 months and then il probably buy a upgrade for my setup.

Ive been searching on sites and LED's have caught my attention. I was thinking of buying a strip of red leds and use my cool white cfl's. LED's have a very high penetration and with the aid of the cfl's i might get a good havest.


Well-Known Member
yer wouldnt know to much about the leds ay i was looking into them a while back but they dont have that technoligy in australia yet. there are some wicked ones that are as powerful as a 600watt hps but only take up 60 watts or something but they also cost $600 and only in america


Well-Known Member
LOL theres hydro stores all over ....!! just type hydro or growing google ...LOL rememeber google is your Friend