First grow from seeds. Advice please.

G'day folks. I gathered some seeds up off the www. Now I dropped them between some damp paper towel. I just figured I can watch them shoot while I got some advice on some things. First of all growing medium after they shoot on the plate. 1/3 perlite amd coco coir? Keep moist and watch grow?
Also a website which has sensible prices might be handy.
I am doing this as much as a hobby as for any other reason.
Cheers guys.


New Member
welcome to RIU! I hope you enjoy your stay with us! bongsmilie
That being said, I would have gotten my medium and room set up far before germing my seeds. I'm primarily soil, but 1:3 perlite to coco sounds about right. what lights/ventilation have you purchased or considered? where are you growing? just trying to get info so i can give legitimate advice!