Yes i was thinking the same thing since he is using the entire line-up. But if the system he is using removes nutes, and he is only running at 1/4 strength ??????, maybe that could contribute to the deficiency. I know the nutes are really strong but to me 1/4 is pretty weak unless your replenishing daily, plus those girls will only grow if they have nutrients to use...
another thing if you bought your nutes in a box set then I think your safe. But if you purchased each bottle independently you have to check to ensure that you have the proper "pairing". I know your like "what the f*ck is he talking about", but check it dude..... If you have the Sensi A&B like I do, I've noticed in my local grow shop 2 different formulas for Sensi A and 2 different formulas for Sensi B sitting on the shelf one next to the other! So it's like having rev A and rev B but not telling anyone if the interoperable!!!! If you look at the N-P-K numbers you'll see a huge difference in the nutes so taking that into consideration you could literally be under fertilizing or over fertilizing while following the dosages. I would normally figure this not to be true but since these nutes are totally 100% engineered, I'm sure they are engineered to perform well with x,y,z, not 1,2,3. So..... Just one idea
But again I think if you just purchased the hobbyist pack in a box set your safe...