First Grow, G13 Soil


Active Member
What strain is it? G13 (classified)

Is it Indica, Sativa or Hybrid? What percentages? Indica

Is it in Veg or Flower stage? Veg

If in Veg... For how long? 3 weeks, 6 days

Indoor or outdoor? Indoor

Soil or Hydro? Soil

If soil... What size pot? 5 gallon

Size of light? 400W

Is it aircooled? Yes

Temp of Room/cab? Avg. of 75 to 82 during day

RH of Room/cab? 30-40 during day

PH of media or res? A hair below 7

How often are you watering? 1-3 days

I started smoking MMJ for back pain shortly after getting out of the Navy, and fell in love with it. I have been wanting to grow for about a year now so over the past couple of months I put some money down and set up my first grow tent. My tent is 3x3 HydroHut Silver Edition, 400w HydroFarm Sunburst w/ built in ballast, 250 CFM inline exhaust fan, an everyday humidifier, and a decent tower fan.

Right now the temperature is staying at a comfortable 70-82 during the day and 55-65 during the night. The RH in the room is around 30-40 during the day and whatever I set it at at night which is normally 55-60. I'm expecting the RH to rise a bit once the plant puts a little more weight on though.

During my setup and temperature testing, I stumbled upon a G13 seed from a dispensary a couple of months ago and I couldn't resist any longer. I threw the seed into a small glass of water for 3-5 days (cant remember), until the taproot was out about 1/4 inch long and then on Mar 8th I planted in miracle grow potting soil (I had it laying around).

During the month of March I watered about every other day (or when the pot felt light). During that time I also watered 3 times with a water and Pure Blend solution.

Today, April 4th I transplanted from my 4 inch plastic pot into a 5 gallon pot. I picked today because the growth was slowing quite a bit and I figured it was time. I took the old root ball out and found that the roots were close to circling the pot (got there just in time!). I broke up the root ball and bare-rooted it as best i could, I then used rootboost rooting powder on all of the exposed roots, hopefully to my advantage. I know it's not necessarily needed but I don't want to take any chances with this grow.

I transplanted the 6 inch plant into a mix of Fox Farm Ocean Forest and Growstones. I put it back in the tent today and turned off everything but the light and humidifier to reduce evaporation as much as possible. I also put up a black mesh screen in between the light and the plant to give it a couple days of lower light shock recovery.

This is my first grow of anything.. ever so please feel free to give any suggestions, tips, advice or criticisms. They are all greatly appreciated and I look forward to hearing from you, thanks in advance!

Below are some pretty basic notes I have been taking. Pictures to come later

08MAR2011 Planted

11MAR2011 approximately half inch of growth

14MAR2011 APPX 1 1/2 inches, leaves sprouted 13MAR2011

Added oscillating fan and humidifier to room. Decreased temp 10-20 degrees


Germinated in glass of water over a period of 3 days

Planted on 8th and misted with water bottle

11MAR2011 Have continued to mist (Will continue until leaves sprout)

13MAR2011 Watered with first half of grow nutrients (small amount)

14MAR2011 Watered w/ regular water (small amount)

15MAR2011 Watered with significant amount, water in 2-3 days

18MAR2011 Watered

20MAR2011 Watered

22MAR2011 Watered with nutrient solution

25MAR2011 Watered

28MAR2011 Watered

31MAR2011 Watered

02APR2011 Watered

04APR2011 Transplanted and watered

*28MAR noticed bottom two leaves turning yellow, later leaves were drooping
*29MAR leaves very droopy, 2bottom curling 65% of leafs yellow -- watered deep in the morning at appx. 0845. At 1200 plants were lifted, turgid pressure restored, plant happy.

*spider mites do attack
*mold will set in high humidity
*6 to 9 weeks flowering time
*2 to 4 times a month with pure blend mixture