First Grow! God's Haze With PICS


Active Member
i have posted the sex of my plant !
hey tkjoe whats goin on bro? thats good to hear u found out ur sex of ur plant? what is it? please tell me its a female .. i wasnt able to find the post u made about the sex of ur plant sorry bro fuken high as fuk rite now smoked sum KUUSHHHH!! :eyesmoke:


Active Member
okaaaay guys heres the latest update i got for u guys... i recently jus made 3 clones off each one so i got cut about 6 clones in total and hopefully!! they work out and come rite bak along cuz a couple hours later i put them in the soil they kinda jus drooped rite bak down completly its still green but it looks like its drunk and jus fallen all of them lol at the moment that is... i hope thats jus how it is in the start maybe..and come bak up... I HOPE!! n e ways while i was cloning i started thinking about topping.. so i decided i shud jus run a nice experiment why not.. i ended up topping one of them only and left the other one with its single head i wanted to see what the difference will come out as in yeild wise... i really want a big yeild so bad now that i only got 2 females i hope these clones come along good also the clones are under 12/12 cycle also but under 2 45 watt florescent tubes the ones i started the veg. with i changed up my set up and put it along the right side of the room for the clones and i moved one 250 watt hps light in the center and one 250watt hps light hanging down getting the side of the plants for lower branches also.. cheak it out i was able to take sum pics.. hope u guys like its kinda hard to make it out in sum pics but i hope u guys understand it... o and the hash didnt really work out for me so yea never try again with male leaves learnt my lesson WELL! lollll n e ways so im thinking about getting nutes soon still debating on which wud b figure that out soon...

the 2nd pic is the one that i topped and the 3rd pic is the one that isnt topped...



Active Member
nice setup, their looking good
thnx fo the comment bro... it took me so long to figure out wtf im gonna do with that lil room the height is not a problem tho but the area was starting to b a problem so i had to change it around well atleast they get more light now in more areas so i hope that helps my yeild to b nice and fatttttt

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
okaaaay guys heres the latest update i got for u guys... i recently jus made 3 clones off each one so i got cut about 6 clones in total and hopefully!! they work out and come rite bak along cuz a couple hours later i put them in the soil they kinda jus drooped rite bak down completly its still green but it looks like its drunk and jus fallen all of them lol at the moment that is... i hope thats jus how it is in the start maybe..and come bak up... I HOPE!! n e ways while i was cloning i started thinking about topping.. so i decided i shud jus run a nice experiment why not.. i ended up topping one of them only and left the other one with its single head i wanted to see what the difference will come out as in yeild wise... i really want a big yeild so bad now that i only got 2 females i hope these clones come along good also the clones are under 12/12 cycle also but under 2 45 watt florescent tubes the ones i started the veg. with i changed up my set up and put it along the right side of the room for the clones and i moved one 250 watt hps light in the center and one 250watt hps light hanging down getting the side of the plants for lower branches also.. cheak it out i was able to take sum pics.. hope u guys like its kinda hard to make it out in sum pics but i hope u guys understand it... o and the hash didnt really work out for me so yea never try again with male leaves learnt my lesson WELL! lollll n e ways so im thinking about getting nutes soon still debating on which wud b figure that out soon...

the 2nd pic is the one that i topped and the 3rd pic is the one that isnt topped...
if uve only just taken ur clones they will take time to root a 5-6 days.

just wondered didi u put them straight in 12/12?


Active Member
if uve only just taken ur clones they will take time to root a 5-6 days.

just wondered didi u put them straight in 12/12?

i did actually put them into 12/12 and put they are under the florescent tubes... under 2 of them.. do u think it was a bad idea to do that? or should i put then under vegging cycle for about 18/6?


Active Member
u want them in a veg cycle just till there roots have gown a bit
o shit.. alright i hope its okay that i ran them thru a 12/12 las nite actually... but ill b changing that rite away! i guess im gonna hafta put them in a different room? or is it okay if i leave them in the same room but then the other 2 ladies who are being flowered are in the room will this effect them if they see a lil bit a of light? im thinking i shud jus change the room if i can or maybe put a curtain or sumtin between them so they dont disturb eachother with there lights what do u think princess?:roll:

Lil ganja princess

Well-Known Member
o shit.. alright i hope its okay that i ran them thru a 12/12 las nite actually... but ill b changing that rite away! i guess im gonna hafta put them in a different room? or is it okay if i leave them in the same room but then the other 2 ladies who are being flowered are in the room will this effect them if they see a lil bit a of light? im thinking i shud jus change the room if i can or maybe put a curtain or sumtin between them so they dont disturb eachother with there lights what do u think princess?:roll:
no u dont wanna have them anywhere near the ones that are flowering. they dont wanna ahve anna light leak when there off for 12. i would suggest a different room.

an no it wont matter that they had one night of 12/12


Active Member
thanks alot for that nice info. on that i wuda fuked up its a good thing i asked about it... so hows ur babies doing? how old are they now?


Well-Known Member
do you know the sex of the plants because they look like males, just by their height and not alot of nodes


Active Member
do you know the sex of the plants because they look like males, just by their height and not alot of nodes

no actually cant tell from the height or the amount of node there is... u tell by if u see pistons or if u see balls... if u see white pistons ur good to go... u see sum balls then bro thats bad news... u got urself sum males then...


Well-Known Member
yeah i know that but looking at alot of male plants before they show the balls are usually really tall and lanky


Well-Known Member
pistons? these plants a 4 cylinder? i6? v6? v8? v12 cobra engine?!?!

Just fucking with you man, pistils is what you were looking for.


Active Member
pistons? these plants a 4 cylinder? i6? v6? v8? v12 cobra engine?!?!

Just fucking with you man, pistils is what you were looking for.
o fukk haha my bad guys prolly was ripped LOL :eyesmoke: but then again i am a newb also.. :P lol its all good thnx for pointing it out tho


Well-Known Member
Haha no problem brother. I was late night trolling checking up on my subscriptions haha. How are your ladies doing in that tub? You're a bit into flowering now aren't you?


Active Member
the plants look more like a sativa than an indica, which would explain why they look the way they do.

cant wait to see what sex they are