First Grow! God's Haze With PICS


Active Member
Hey guys im sorry i havnt been able to update in so long..skool started again for me so iv been caught up with that BUT no worries i will be taking pictures today after school and i will update u guys for sure.. i was able to put up the second light though yesturday :) soo now i have up 2x250 WATT HPS LIGHTS ... BUT!! i still havnt been able to transplant them actually i will b doing that ASAP! cuz i no they need new pots asap! cuz my pots are getting to small for them now.. so thats one thing i need to get on to asaP! and i will b.. so yes the pictures will b up today after skool no problem .. i hope im able to get my hadns on new pots today also... take care guys im running so LATE for class FUCK


Active Member
DAY 33 Wednesday, September 9th, 2009
ALrrrrrrrrrrrrriiight looks like i got some time and i was able to get a few snap shots of my babies and they seem like they doing okay HOPEFULLY there is one plant that has like yellowish outlining aroound the leafs it duznt seem like its dien WELL I HOPE NOT but it kinda looks kool i hope nothings wrong with her.. in one of the pics u'll b able to see which one im talking about if n e one thinks sumtin is rong or knows whats all that about please let me no:roll: O MAN im so fuken happy to see them so tall i hope they going at a good growth even the youngest one seems to b coming along also. I was able to put up the 2nd HPS light also so now i have 2 HPS lights in there at the moment i wish i had more plants to put under those 2 lights but i dont ... but hey next time.. since it was my first time i didnt wanna go ALL OUT one time haha.. but DAMN I SHOULDA:wall: LOl... so yea umm i put the tallest one and youngest one under one.. and the other 3 under the other light.. i did actually go out to look for new pots i did see some that i liked so im going to get those real soon ASAP! and transplant my babies in newer bigger homes:lol: O YEA and umm i ended up trying that baking soda thing with the vinegar i hope i did it rite lolll but yea.. soo i hope u guys like the pics.. n e questions or comments or even critisism IS WELCOME N E THING !!! ;-) HAPPY GROWING EVERY1 THANKS FOR BEING WITH ME ON THIS ONE!:bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
man their looking great! later on you could top them to even the canopy, just a suggestion keep up the good work oh and it looks like one of them has yellow edges


Active Member
man their looking great! later on you could top them to even the canopy, just a suggestion keep up the good work oh and it looks like one of them has yellow edges
yea man one of them has that yellowish outline edges or w.e what does that mean? or how do i get ridd of that if thats a bad thing do u no?


Active Member
have you been adding any nutes to them?

your inter-nodal spacing is quite stretched out, you should try to get your lights closer to the canopy.


Active Member
have you been adding any nutes to them?

your inter-nodal spacing is quite stretched out, you should try to get your lights closer to the canopy.
i did trim off the bottem leafs if that has n e thing to do with what ur saying bro and i did think about bringing the lights closer but i just dont want them too close where they start to burn them they are 250 watts each how far away should i keep it u think with out burning them?


Active Member
i did trim off the bottem leafs if that has n e thing to do with what ur saying bro and i did think about bringing the lights closer but i just dont want them too close where they start to burn them they are 250 watts each how far away should i keep it u think with out burning them?
adding nutes. means adding fertilizers to the medium.

a good way to check your light to canopy distance is to use your hand.

move your hand as close to the light as you can. you want to be able to hold your hand say 14 inches from the bulb for at least 30 seconds without it being uncomfortable.


Active Member
adding nutes. means adding fertilizers to the medium.

a good way to check your light to canopy distance is to use your hand.

move your hand as close to the light as you can. you want to be able to hold your hand say 14 inches from the bulb for at least 30 seconds without it being uncomfortable.
thnx bro imma take a look into that real soon maybe day after tmr ill get a chance hopefully and i shall fix that rite up asap!


Active Member
wow yours are getting tall. i have been doing alot of LST. so it looks like right now i have 3 shoots fighting for the top cola! moved it aroudn today, i hopei get 2 more and 2 more from the other side. I posted a link to great read about nutrients and soils etc.... on my journal

your girls are looking really good. cant wait to see them some more. specially now that you have both bulbs going. i think i will flower half way through next week or next saturday. sound good?

welsh wizz

Well-Known Member
They look over watered droopy leaves and a magnesium/zinc deficiency with yellowing on outer edges, its not a good idear to have wet leaves under a hps lamp it acts like a prism and will burn your plants.


Well-Known Member
Sup ganja..
To post a youtube clip on your thread you should place the end of the youtube link like this "ql94xb_p0fA" in between these 2 brackets [youtube]xxx[/youtube (where the x's are) ;)
cheers and good luck bro,
place one more ] at the end.. (I can't here otherwise it won't post..


Well-Known Member
i did trim off the bottem leafs if that has n e thing to do with what ur saying bro and i did think about bringing the lights closer but i just dont want them too close where they start to burn them they are 250 watts each how far away should i keep it u think with out burning them?
I have my 250w MH about 7" from the tops of my tied down plants, temps are kept between 76-78 with some computer fans.

Looking nice man how much longer are you going to veg them for?