First grow, grow closest almost complete


Active Member
3 weeks, wish I would have trained or topped but I'm using side lighting to try and develop some of the inner growth buds.


Well-Known Member
I'm at 2 weeks and I fimmed yesterday. Plan on switching to 12/12 next week. Did you still get alot of growth before you saw signs of flower?


Active Member
Both my plants showed there sex 2 days after switching to 12/12. After that I got 2 new nodes and then they started developing flowers. That took about a week to happen. So I have had flowers for 3 or 4 days now. How big are your plants?


Active Member
I've actually had a ton of growth since switching to 12 12. Just went back and looked thru my journal. It's pretty amazing how fast they have grown. Almost more in width than height. Didn't really realize til now.


Active Member
Some leaves on my plant seem to have permanent claw froom too much nitrogen early on. I have backed way off on grow nutes for last week in a half trying to get the claws to go away. They never did but I started getting yellowing on lowest set of leaves and the whole plant was becoming a lighter shade of green. I decided to give a full dose of nutes and it loved it. The leaves and branches all stood straight up almost. The craziest thing. Wish I had a pic but lights just went out for dark time. I read plants do this when they are really happy with there enviroment. I think cutting back on the nutes for awhile really was good for them.


Active Member
Even with my side lighting a lot of my inner growth was getting very little light. My inner growth limbs finally got long enough where I was able to bend fans leaves underneath of it. Some my inner growth is partially wilted so im hoping this helps. It has been wilted like this for a couple of weeks but it isn't dieing or getting bad spots. It's getting a lot of light now tho. I'm 15 or 16 days into flowering now.
Coming along pretty good overall I think.



Active Member
Even with my side lighting a lot of my inner growth was getting very little light. My inner growth limbs finally got long enough where I was able to bend fans leaves underneath of it. Some my inner growth is partially wilted so im hoping this helps. It has been wilted like this for a couple of weeks but it isn't dieing or getting bad spots. It's getting a lot of light now tho. I'm 15 or 16 days into flowering now.
Coming along pretty good overall I think.


Active Member
I have asked serval questions without one response in the last couple weeks, either no one knows or people are too much of a dick to answer.either way this site is a waste of my time. I won't be back.


Well-Known Member
When the fan leaves don't want to cooperate with tucking, I gently rub the stem between my thumb and index fingers, to make it more pliable and easier to tuck.


Active Member
She looks great man. I would v a happy with her. Awesome job!
Thankyou, you always have good advice. those pics are 2 days old. It has probably grown 2 inches since then. Probably that final stretch I suppose. I just decided to cut off most the wilting undergrowth. Wasn't much really. It looks better everyday and my bud sites are getting good a lot bigger quick.


Active Member
And I want to apologize for my out burst earlier. I sounded like a kid not getting attention. Bad day I guess. Lol but anyway I will be around and will continue to post pics of my grow til it is compelted. My goal has always been 1 dry oz. I need to post pics of my other plant but I think I will easily get that zip between the two of them.


Well-Known Member
No worries man.
Here's to smashin more than a zip each!

Show some more pics when you have time. Pics are nice. :)


Well-Known Member
Hey man, it's looking good, well done! I'm also growing WW in coco, think mine are a couple weeks ahead of yours into flower. I know I'm late to the party and you've already figured this out, but calmag is an essential both with coco and filtered water, so you definitely need it throughout veg, wish I'd figured it out quicker but at least I know for the future. I find growing is very much a "live and learn" kind of hobby lol!

Hi this is my first grow, special queen #1, really new to this and would like to no if my plants are looking as they should b in their 5 week.? Any advice would be great thanks.. :)
So do use think they look OK? and what nutes do use recommend, any info on maximizing my plants yield potential? Ino about supercropping and pruning etc but would like them to reach there full potential as royal queen seeds say that the strain is of a medium yield but through researching and various forums I've heard these plants don't yield a lot? Any advice would be great thanks :)
It's kind of polite when hijacking somebody else's first grow journal to at least pretend to be interested in their grow before posting pics of and asking for advice with your own....