First Grow! Help from Pro's would be appreciated


Active Member
Fem beans, and no vent fan yet but the box fan blows air around. The base where the plants sit is opened up at the bottom so the light doesn't leak ans the air flows out when I open the little doors. It used to be a tv entertainment center if you can imagine it that way...vent fan coming within two weeks. The temp is fine since its cold here.

BigCat...that makes sense ok. Nevermind then ill just I'll just leave them be. No more transferring.


Active Member

When the lights came on I checked them and they look wonderful! A bit taller and more proportionate.even the littlest one is looking better.


Active Member
This morning I gave them some more nutrients at half the dose and lowered the lights way more. Since the box fan is blowing pretty strong that it doesn't let the heat accumulate I was thinking this was okay. I put my hand under there and it wasn't hot at all. I was even thinking of lowering it more. Right now it is about 12'' away from the tops of my plants, I can probably lower another four inches before heat might be a problem. But they look spectacular, they have probably tripled in plant material since the last pictures. Still short no stretching and the nodes have really decent spacing. Pictures will be up soon. This is gonna start week four of their little life and they seem to be very well behaved. Hoping to start the UB topping method when i see the seventh node developing. I am definitely going to top the Sour Diesel. and the Liberty Haze. The other strains are decent and wont be as tall, so I will probably not top them too much, only as needed. I'm thinking maybe another couple of inches maybe 4 before I switch them to 12/12. by the looks of it they seem to be ready for that in maybe four days.


Active Member
Hello there people!!!! Update on my plants. So I decided on a bunch of crazy new ideas to have a little fun with this grow as I learn the different properties of the genetics of all of my babies. On that note I decided to experiment on my Sour Diesels. All three are very beautiful and growing strong. So I decided on some training techniques that I found online that were interesting and I would love to get cold hard data. One plant will serve as my control. She will not be topped or defoliated. Plant number 2 will be topped after the second node and after she recovers she will be defoliated and then defoliated a week later. Plant Number 3 will be topped after the second node. All other conditions remain the same and I will see how the yield changes depending on the training I do. I also defoliated my Headband leaving her pretty bare but I can see all the new leaves coming in. The Kabrales is looking very short and bushy, she has huge leaves at the third node so I trimmed off everything that was being shaded by the huge leaves. The Super Automatic is looking very small for a ruderalis only on her third node. Growing kinda slow for an automatic. The mystery seed is looking well she doesn't exactly look as lush and green as the other "brand name" seeds. But we'll see how she comes out. Pictures coming soon. But trust me they are looking amazing! I did all this defoliage for the Sour Diesel and Headband Monday. They are already looking great.


Active Member
Pictures as requested!!!! (Two Weeks from Flowering, They will be put to flower on the 25 of March)
Here is the first one! She is the unknown seed I found she's kind of lanky with long petioles. Doesn't stand too tall but looks good. Thinking of Defoliating her a bit. Getting rid of the long leaves to develop upward or at least top her. Unkown.jpg
Number two!!! Kabrales!!! She's looking ultra nice, huge fan leaves. Short and Bushy, very Indica like. I defoliated her near the bottom because those huge fan leaves where blocking everything in its path. Thinking of trimming her down a bit so she can recover before I put her to flower.
Number Three! Headband! She is definitely the tallest one of the group and she went through a major defoliation last week. She seems to be coming back nicely. I have also been trying to super crop her as it looks liker her Sativa genes seem to be bringing her up. but even after the cropping she still is the tallest. Deciding whether to top her or not. She seems responsive to the HST she's getting.
Number Four! Super Automatic! The Runt of the litter! She's the littlest one but I know she's Ruderalis, so I'm hoping to see her mature and finish in another 6 weeks minimum. She will flower on her own so I want to Defoliate and top her a little before she gets to old. I couldn't find much on HST of Automatic strains so I'm wary of doing that if it might handicap the yield.
Super Automatic.jpg
Number Five! Liberty Haze! Most of her vegetation is coming from the top. I trimmed her bottom stalk a little and she seems to be liking it. Nothing much else to this one. I was thinking of topping her because shes the one I want a really decent yield from since she was the number one strain on the 'Tude. And I want to see what the fuss was all about.
Liberty Haze.jpg
Number 6, 7, & 8!!!!!!! The Three Fates! The Sour Damsels. Time for the science portion of our presentation. I have been doing a lot of research on many myths and high yielding fairy tales. So I decided to put one to the test. That's the heavy defoliation myth. I was reading up everything that Bassman59 was writing on the subject. Went through the whole thread and found a lot of info but not many pictures. A lot of people claiming they will try it and never coming through with the results. He yielded about 10 oz. from one plant. and that seems to be pretty nice for an indoor grow. Why not give it a try and see how it works. If it does work then I might only concentrate on this technique if it doesn't it was only one plant. So here are the stats. Plant number 6 Our control! She is definitely the second tallest plant and by far the bushiest and most impressive. I will not top her, I will not even defoliate her at at all. I want to see what happens when she will grow just naturally. and to the best. The only reason she might take some defoliation might be for clones or if she gets too big and starts to hinder the fitness of the other plants, then she'll have to be taken down a notch.
Number 7! Plant #2 she has been topped! She will be defoliated monday evening and maybe once more a week before she goes into flowering. She seems to have stayed shorter than the control but I think that's because of the shock of Topping.
Sour Diesel #2.jpg
And last but not least! Plant number 8! Plant Number three in our Experiment! I know what you're thinking as your reading this article but Majyk how can you know whether the topping was what helped the yield and not the defoliation. Plant number Three is the answer to that! She will only be topped. and that it! If I decide to top number two again then I will top number three also. both 2 and 3 where topped above the second node when they had a sixth node coming in. both seem to look identical now.
There you have it folks! All eight present and healthy. Hopefully I can see some progress on these numbers and data. Once I can get a bigger set up I will do the same experiment but under special conditions where each plant will have its own light and proper space to grow. but for now this simple experiment will help. I looked up every strain I have and did an extensive background check on their genetics and parent plants. My introduction will soon be finished for the "scientific" paper I'm writing, Hopefully I can get some of the cloning tools from some of the greenhouse I frequent between classes. I have some TA's helping with the Hydroponic Cloning machine I'm designing for 100% success. Not all clones will become mature only the ones that show the best health and rigor. I might take clones from all these strains and start a mother bonsai part in my house. Any questions, concerns, tips, advice, scolding is welcomed. Also if you have any scientific papers on research of Cannabis Sativa L. are welcomed and I will thoroughly read them. Have a good day and thanks for stopping by!


Active Member
Pictures as requested!!!! (Two Weeks from Flowering, They will be put to flower on the 25 of March)
Here is the first one! She is the unknown seed I found she's kind of lanky with long petioles. Doesn't stand too tall but looks good. Thinking of Defoliating her a bit. Getting rid of the long leaves to develop upward or at least top her. View attachment 2559831
Number two!!! Kabrales!!! She's looking ultra nice, huge fan leaves. Short and Bushy, very Indica like. I defoliated her near the bottom because those huge fan leaves where blocking everything in its path. Thinking of trimming her down a bit so she can recover before I put her to flower.
View attachment 2559833
Number Three! Headband! She is definitely the tallest one of the group and she went through a major defoliation last week. She seems to be coming back nicely. I have also been trying to super crop her as it looks liker her Sativa genes seem to be bringing her up. but even after the cropping she still is the tallest. Deciding whether to top her or not. She seems responsive to the HST she's getting.
View attachment 2559834
Number Four! Super Automatic! The Runt of the litter! She's the littlest one but I know she's Ruderalis, so I'm hoping to see her mature and finish in another 6 weeks minimum. She will flower on her own so I want to Defoliate and top her a little before she gets to old. I couldn't find much on HST of Automatic strains so I'm wary of doing that if it might handicap the yield.
View attachment 2559840
Number Five! Liberty Haze! Most of her vegetation is coming from the top. I trimmed her bottom stalk a little and she seems to be liking it. Nothing much else to this one. I was thinking of topping her because shes the one I want a really decent yield from since she was the number one strain on the 'Tude. And I want to see what the fuss was all about.
View attachment 2559841
Number 6, 7, & 8!!!!!!! The Three Fates! The Sour Damsels. Time for the science portion of our presentation. I have been doing a lot of research on many myths and high yielding fairy tales. So I decided to put one to the test. That's the heavy defoliation myth. I was reading up everything that Bassman59 was writing on the subject. Went through the whole thread and found a lot of info but not many pictures. A lot of people claiming they will try it and never coming through with the results. He yielded about 10 oz. from one plant. and that seems to be pretty nice for an indoor grow. Why not give it a try and see how it works. If it does work then I might only concentrate on this technique if it doesn't it was only one plant. So here are the stats. Plant number 6 Our control! She is definitely the second tallest plant and by far the bushiest and most impressive. I will not top her, I will not even defoliate her at at all. I want to see what happens when she will grow just naturally. and to the best. The only reason she might take some defoliation might be for clones or if she gets too big and starts to hinder the fitness of the other plants, then she'll have to be taken down a notch.
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Number 7! Plant #2 she has been topped! She will be defoliated monday evening and maybe once more a week before she goes into flowering. She seems to have stayed shorter than the control but I think that's because of the shock of Topping.
View attachment 2559865
And last but not least! Plant number 8! Plant Number three in our Experiment! I know what you're thinking as your reading this article but Majyk how can you know whether the topping was what helped the yield and not the defoliation. Plant number Three is the answer to that! She will only be topped. and that it! If I decide to top number two again then I will top number three also. both 2 and 3 where topped above the second node when they had a sixth node coming in. both seem to look identical now.
View attachment 2559873
There you have it folks! All eight present and healthy. Hopefully I can see some progress on these numbers and data. Once I can get a bigger set up I will do the same experiment but under special conditions where each plant will have its own light and proper space to grow. but for now this simple experiment will help. I looked up every strain I have and did an extensive background check on their genetics and parent plants. My introduction will soon be finished for the "scientific" paper I'm writing, Hopefully I can get some of the cloning tools from some of the greenhouse I frequent between classes. I have some TA's helping with the Hydroponic Cloning machine I'm designing for 100% success. Not all clones will become mature only the ones that show the best health and rigor. I might take clones from all these strains and start a mother bonsai part in my house. Any questions, concerns, tips, advice, scolding is welcomed. Also if you have any scientific papers on research of Cannabis Sativa L. are welcomed and I will thoroughly read them. Have a good day and thanks for stopping by!
This right here shows proof of the value of research... many just throw beans in cause the names sound cool and maybe potent. Then they do not research and end up killing their plants. I am curious cause I know that the 2 different strains I grew together I will probably not grow together again. Nor will I mix heavy sativas with heavy indicas, purely on the difference in environment variables that each plant flourishes in. Kind of like something I read here, you can't take a nice plant native to colder climates and expect it to grow in the desert. But I am curious as to if you are experiencing the same thing with the different strains.

You are doing an exceptional job! You will be happy with the different smokes that will be in your collection!


Active Member
As a botanist this is my favorite part. I want to unlock the code for this plant. I want to be able to learn every aspect and every amazing detail. Maybe all of my research will one day get me a professorship in a state that It's legal in. There is so much to learn so much to be documented.

Thanks for the compliments. The only reason I am growing is for the knowledge. But finding out myths, old wives tales, would be enough for a lifetime of work. I'm sure there are colleagues on here who have notebooks upon notebooks of information it would be amazing to read through every journal here. It's exciting to find out through trial and error but why reinvent the wheel. We can build upon the knowledge that those before me have already acquired. All I would need is a lab to conduct this research...haha only that. But like I said if you have any interesting articles you came upon and might want to share , post them here!!!!!


Active Member
Update at week Five!
Today I worked on the plants and they were defoliated a bit from the last pictures that were taken. Since it has been a week to allow the plants originally defoliation, I thought they'd be okay with it. I defoliated 6/8 plants,everything except the control SD and the only topped SD. Yesterday they were fed a full dose of nutrients and their pots seem a little light and dry for one day since watering. Temperatures are looking at a nice 80-86 degrees. I did order a carbon filter and an in-line fan. It should be here before Friday. Without a further ado here they are.
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Here is the first one. The Headband. She was looking mighty well after the last defo. So I chopped her up a bit. But this marks the defoliation until two weeks after flowering has been induced and they stop stretching.
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Here is the Unknown. I took some of the leaves and started a herbarium specimen with all of the strains. I will collect the leaves to form an encyclopedia of different leaf shapes and sizes depending on age and genetics. Maybe one day collect leaves from all around the world! She has leaves similar to those I took of the SD. Maybe she has some of the same genetics. We'll see.
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Liberty Haze! She is looking well, some stretching but nothing serious.
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Super Automatic! This one was a bit scary to defoliate since the leaves were still little and didn't know where to cut. I felt like one of those gourmet sushi chefs. But she seems well. still short for a Ruderalis but I'm hoping that once she starts to veg she'll fill in.
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Kabrales! She was looking super bushy so I was really happy to hack her up a bit so she can get more light and not interfere with the other plants. So far so good with her too.
SD #1 Control.jpg
Science time! Here is the Control. Looking great. single cola, large leaves.
SD #2 Defoliated.jpg
Here is the Defo! She was topped to have four main colas. and then she was defoliated. She looked exactly like her sister Top!
SD #3 Topped.jpg
Here is Top! You can see the four colas coming in nicely, and look how bushy she looks compared to the Cont and to the Defo. I really want to Defoliate her but I will resist.

So there you have it. All eight week five looking good and healthy. I'm doing something right. Same as always any questions and interesting stories post the links and I'll look at them! Thanks for stopping by and leave a comment!


Active Member
So today I checked them when I woke up and the Control was really sad and limp looking. I felt it was overwatering but it was the opposite they were much thirstier! I gave her about 8 oz of plain water (been sitting out to evaporate chems) and she sprung back withing thirty minutes. then the lights went off today around 5, I decided to re-pot them a bit higher since they were pretty sunk in the pots. I carefully removed the bulk of the soil with roots and added soil underneath to raise the plant if she was a bit on the low side. Some of them were stretchy so I only buried the stem and filled with soil. As I was repotting I noticed that the soil was pretty dry. Each plant gets fed about 16 Fluid Ounces of water per watering. I was pretty shocked to see them so dry after only watering them full nutrients Sunday. I fed them a mixture of their nutrients (1/3) and some anti shock transplanting stuff (1/3). They look to be doing great I just wonder if I'm going to have to feed them more water per watering or more frequently at the same volume. I'll give them plain water next watering for some flushing and then full nutrients the watering after? maybe another watering of just water. I'm leaving to do research on Friday so I'm a bit worried about whether I can trust this person to come water them properly. I'll have everything labeled and I will be on the phone as they do everything also. Theses are the last two weeks of vegetative growth. When I get back they will be clones taken and a new batch will be in the oven. Questions or comments let me know thanks for stopping by!!!

oh i almost forgot the pictures haha sorry about that!

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Well-Known Member
sure people water water and then feed. u could feed every third waterings if u like... i think its best if u see what ur plants are telling you, play of them more then what others do or tell u to do because they dont know the plant like u do. make sure ur feedings arent hot or heavy in nutes. u got a ppm meter?


Active Member
They certainly responded well to the repotting. They look like it hasn't stopped their veg growth and keep growing new leaves since the defoliation, if anything my plants that I didn't hack uplook more stressed than the cut plants. Maybe because of defoliation they don't need to provide the big bulky leaves with as much food therefore it's less stressful? I'm gonna noobservation and wriite about it. Maybe It's a new thing to try when I re-pot future plants. Less leaves , less stress. And no I don't have a meter.I try to get all the nutes in order first then mix really good, feed all of them the same. Luckily none of them are super sensitive. But I try to feed them underneath the recommended, don't wanna burn them. I think they are enjoying the upper 80 degree weather which makes sense since they are mainly indicas. I'm worried if the dry heat will affect the sativa much. Another question for research to answer.


Active Member
One male Headband.....chopped him down. all females all budding. expected harvest early june late may. super automatic looking ready maybe one week left. already flushing.