FIRST GROW! help me out TAKE A LOOK!!!


Well-Known Member
i only got 2 in a small space with mylar everywhere i think it will still be ok i am starting to see little white hairs ontop some of the other branches ... i dont know ... i think this is my first big mistake but we will see.... do you guys think i will still be ok ? what do you think i could yield now compared to if i left them ?


Well-Known Member
IMO your yield might be a bit smaller but u should still be ok,u just put them in to shock a bit by removing the fan leaves.if i were you i would veg them a bit longer and try to re-grow some of the leaves u cut off.then put them in to flower.


Well-Known Member
they seem fine .... they already in flower mode and startin to show alot of white hairs.... i think it will be ok .... ?


Well-Known Member
ya man if its already a week or two in two showing the hairs then just flower it u should be fine.good luck :)


Well-Known Member
juss sittin here watchin the plants grow i got to thinking..... i think tomorrow im going to contruct a grow room inside of my closet out of pvc pipes... ill enclose the walls with some sort of dark blanket or something to keep light out of... ill section off 2 different rooms ... and there ya go ... juss out of pvc pipes ... ballin... ill post pics prob tomorrow night after its all done


Well-Known Member
the weirdest thing happened.... i was watering my plants this morning and i discovered a little baby trying to hatch in the corner of the pot... how could it be if i only planted 1 seed in each pot that another plant is starting to form and grow? weird.... im gonna wait for it to get a little bigger than transplant it .... but weird right?


Well-Known Member
sorry the pic sucks and is sideways ... i tried to rotate it.. wouldnt work .. i need a better free uploading service ... anyways as you can see they got pretty big almost 5 feet tall... starting the LST method on them because im running out of space... you can see they are growin almost sideways now.... 10 days into flowering


Well-Known Member
Yeah the pic is hard to see but looks like they are doing well, also I like the sticker on yur hood, hey I heard you were looking for new image hosting, try the following,

It's fast free and easy, self explanatory, no need to enter your email address, good luck!


Well-Known Member
How are ya hoc? I see you used imageshack, however I think you posted the wrong code, when clicked on it takes you to imageshack.



Well-Known Member
hey humbolldt... ya man i dunno y im having such a hard time now uploading pictures.... i tried all 4 codes it gave me and thats the best pic i could get .... they have been flowering since nov 7th.... they r starting to get smelly.... im gonna try to get better pics up asap so you guys can see how its flowering... sorry about the delay


Well-Known Member
Strange, should be the very last code down toward the bottom of the page, it should be ony the url address, you will have to put the image tags on yourself.

Looking forward to the new pics!


Well-Known Member
here some normal pics finally lol ok they are on day 19 of flowering just doin it big real white lookin sexy...



Well-Known Member
i used 1 cfl daylight 6500k light the first week and a half 24/7 then switched too 2 of them and went to 18/6 for a couple of days till i got a 400watt mh and thats what im still doing 18/6. if you want check out my pics there under the thread can i flower


Well-Known Member
alrighty these are the updated pics... everything going pretty good so far except for when my roommate forgot to water them for me when i left for 6 days but they still looked good when i got back... whewww... anyway.. i got some purple #1 and aurora indica in a few dixie cups right now under a floro seeing if they will sprout.. i did not germinate them... juss stuck them straight into moist soil seeing if this method will work... i got 8 seeds in a moist paper towel thats inside of a zipblock that i blew air into and sealed... i stuck it in a lightproof container and put it on top of a heating pad not to hot tho... juss giving it a try to see if it works... both methods actually... o ya and i got 1 more purple seed chillin in a shot glass of water... lol going crazy on the different kinds of germination methods.... what works best for you guys ? humboldt?? lol come on now i know yall all got plenty of answers for me im bored... what up


Well-Known Member

HOOAH!! finely got some decent pics, looking good buddy!

I germinate my seeds by wetting a paper towel, line seeds up like four per row rolling as I go, soak in water for a sec one last time, place into a pill container with lid off and into the dresser drawer it goes leaving it there, not checking it for at least 24 hours, usually a couple seeds will have cracked by then, checking every 12 - 24 hours putting the seeds as they crack into soil and wetting the towel if needed..

Good shit on them plants, looks a bit lengthy but could be very beneficial to you in the long run, looks like it's going to be a long flowering period.

Keep up the great work!