First Grow Help Needed


Well-Known Member
Hey mouse that looks like alot of good advice,, Im running H&G too so I will have to check out your thread for any ideas. One thing I'd like to add, is before you go crazy buying all these expensive bottles of whatever, get yourself a pH pen. It'll do alot more good than any other product you can buy, when your pH is out of whack your just waisting nutrients cause your plants can't absorbe them. If you have one of those drop test kits with the little glass vial and eye dropper thing all I can say is I am not colourblind and when I check a solution I thought i had put to pH5.8 with my drop kit, and tested it with a digital pH pen it turned out to be 6.3

So thats the best recommendation I can make for you.


Well-Known Member
Sweet. I love the house and garden stuff !

Yeah to be honest he is kinda right. I know a lot of guys who don't check PH but in the long run a digital PH meter will save you more in headaches that almost any other bit of kit.

The guys who don't check PH tend to have it nailed. If you don't overfeed and you only feed when they are hungry, your ph won't be out of whack at any point.

When your starting its a really good thing to have.

PS my tapwater plus 2-4 ml of bio grow or bloom brings me to between 6.4 and 6.7 starting with 7.2 water.


Well-Known Member
At the moment I have no green and where are you I'm coming I will grow you fucking trees just give me a spliff please lol


Well-Known Member
At the moment I have no green and where are you I'm coming I will grow you fucking trees just give me a spliff please lol
lol time to start smoking them fan leaves lol

Im also doing hydro(coco) so I would have to be a wizard to know exactly where my pH was without using a tester. maybe its easier with soil


Well-Known Member
much easier as far as PH is concerned you have a massive buffer in the middle. But then again, if you fuck the PH in soil it's almost game over, very hard to come back from. But it does take a lot of work to get it that bad.


Active Member
Hey man just stoppin by again, Noticed the update. Things sure have turned around 100% for you in the last 3 or 4 weeks. How long ago did you start 12/12 I just started my 4x4 space on sunday so Im gonna be havin quite the show here pretty soon. Hope all stays well with you brotha!



Active Member
Haven't looked into this thread in a while, but damn. You really are doing a good job. You sure as hell made those ladies very happy by saving them. Good job mate. +rep.