first grow help

Hi its my first grow.I have one going and this is how she looks.I did some light trimming of just the bottom part.I noticed there's small shoots growing on each branch kinda like baby leaves and maybe something else.any advice to help it grow better?I do have her under a grow light IMG_20160812_203616_461.jpg

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
there is a lot of stretch . your light is very far away . move it much closer . if its close already then you need to get a different set up . it grew very tall and never branched off the plant is only concerned about growing high to get to the light source . on a plus side its healthy green .


Well-Known Member
That is how they always grow bro, those small leaves will grow more branches where each of those big fan leaves are. But you do need to move the light closer, what type of bulb are you using?
That is how they always grow bro, those small leaves will grow more branches where each of those big fan leaves are. But you do need to move the light closer, what type of bulb are you using?
I'm using a led now and think the stretch got so bad cause I just started using a different light


Well-Known Member
You can put an LED pretty much right up to the plant without burning it. They will start branching out more soon now that they have some decent size fan leaves

Lucky Luke

Well-Known Member
Have a look in the LED section. You shall learn allot!

Next time top just above the 2nd true node for 4 main colas (see Uncle Bens topping in advanced cultivation).

Welcome to the fold!


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the help.would adding another LED help it grow better
More is almost always better man, as long as you can keep the other environmental conditions in check like temp and humidity. Since you have LED, you don't have to worry about heat. So yes adding another light would be good.

Also topping indoors, as mentioned by the user above, can be a good idea indoors where light penetration is poor, but by no means is it necessary.

bryan oconner

Well-Known Member
suggest reading about topping you could cut this plant on the step about 25 % up and start over with the light lower It would be beneficial . would get double the yield but it would take twice as long . or leave it let it go . same difference start over or stare almost from scratch .


Well-Known Member
That stretch is not a good thing, if your lights made it stretch like this in flowering stage budding will be slow and less
I was using shitty madein chine led panel smd leds on it and it produced health but stretchy plants like yours and same low results on flowering too.
You have the right spectrum but ny enough amount I think.