First grow, how did I do?


I just harvested my first grow, and by the way this site has been a great help. I grew one test plant under a 250 Watt HPS. My harvest weight (still wet) was 5.75 oz. of bud. I grew in an area 2.5' x 2.5'. Is that a good weight? What should I shoot for? And, final question, how much can I expect it to weigh dry? I'd post a pic but I'm afraid that LEO might use it against me in the future. Any feedback would be great


Active Member
No piccies? awwwwwwww...... half weight or less is expected from wet.

piccies man, damn


Maybe around 2 oz dry... average/good yield of an indoor plant I find. I also find 250 watts to be a bit low. If you like your smoke with 250 watts, imagine with a 600, which is ideal IMO. More yield, better smoke! With your space and a 600 watt, I'd grow 4 smaller plants with faster harvest...


Active Member
You are looking at around 2 ounces dry. a good rule is you will loose 75% of weight in dry and cure. I think you are on the right path starting small! Once you get a few grows under you belt start looking to grow larger as this is what i am doing. I started with a 150 hps and jumped to 400 its a big learning curve dealing with more plants, temp, intake and so on with larger lights. I cant stress how important it is to read and learn everything you can and never be afraid to ask for help! there is NO SINGLE way to grow you have to do whats best for you and your situation :) Good luck friend!


Well-Known Member
I just harvested my first grow, and by the way this site has been a great help. I grew one test plant under a 250 Watt HPS. My harvest weight (still wet) was 5.75 oz. of bud. I grew in an area 2.5' x 2.5'. Is that a good weight? What should I shoot for? And, final question, how much can I expect it to weigh dry? I'd post a pic but I'm afraid that LEO might use it against me in the future. Any feedback would be great
what you should shoot for? 1 gram per watt. thats optimum. don't worry though ive been growing 4 years or so and i still havent gotten 1g per watt. 5.75 should look like about 2oz when dry. give or take. not bad especially for 1 plant on your first grow.

also don't worry about leo. they wont waste resources to hunt 1 guy down with 2oz of bud. theres people on here growing lbs consistently. if they were gonna go after someone they'd get the guy w/ lots of bud.

just saying. you can never be too safe.