First grow, how much longer till harvest?

Yes, that miracle grow bloom food would be better than what you have now.
How much exactly of the cactus food did you use? The label has a lot of different ways to mix it up.
that pot you are using is a 2 gallon pot. I am using the same exact one lol. I am guessing since the pot is so small it is root bound and you got some ph issues and salt buildups in the soil. That is way too small a pot for a plant that big.
Yes, that miracle grow bloom food would be better than what you have now.
How much exactly of the cactus food did you use? The label has a lot of different ways to mix it up.

Used 20 drops for a about a little over a quart of distilled water. Didn't want to over water it because the soil was still a little moist (According to the in-soil-gauge)

that pot you are using is a 2 gallon pot. I am using the same exact one lol. I am guessing since the pot is so small it is root bound and you got some ph issues and salt buildups in the soil. That is way too small a pot for a plant that big.

I think its larger than a 2 gallon, see the pic:IMG_20110905_144228.jpg
You should put two tablespoons of cactus food in that gallon jug, fill it with water, and pour the whole gallon over the roots.. It will be messy, so catch the run-off.
Then sit back for a few days as she gets going again.
Added two tablespoons of the cactus fert in the gallon and watered the plant this morning around 8am. Now its 3PM and there's not really any noticeable signs of improvement. I'm thinking maybe it's overwatered (Because of the droopy leaves) and since it's not absorbing any water, it can't absorb any nutrients either?
The plant is constantly using water and nutrients.. If it stopped absorbing water, it would be dead and fully limp..
You are growing in soil... any changes you make take 4 days to a week to be noticeable..
Your old growth won't improve.. It may keep getting worse.. Look at the new growth to see how the plant is doing.
The newer leaves are turning yellow toward the top. There are some necrotic spots on them also. The soil is still moist in towards the bottom of the pot. Should more fert be added this time?
maybe this strain loses its fan leaves early that plant doesn't look to be under fertilized in fact looks decent especially for the size it is and how small the pot is not to mention it looks like dirt from your back yard its growing in. Next time just get ferts that are meant for cannabis and well draining soil and bigger pot ur golden. ps under fert is way better than over fert imo.
The strain is Dinafem Seeds Sweet Deep Grapefruit from Attitude. There is a about an inch layer of sand on top of the soil because of a former pest problem. Also, the stems are turning purple and more fan leaves are yellowing/dying. I will try to post more pics tomorrow.
Your plant is even more nutrient deficient than 12 days ago. Next time buy some nutrients and feed them to your plant the whole time it is alive or it will slowly die like you are experiencing now.
Didn't want to over-fert because it is in Miracle-grow time-released nute soil.

At what point do you abandon that philosophy, however? The problem has been getting worse for weeks.
cannabis is a fast-feeding plant. The miracle grow nutrients are not the right ratios and strength for your plant. Adding some water soluble fertilizers would have helped. Your product would have been better in the end.

Anyway, just think about it and do things differently next time. I'm sure this will make some tasty buds anyhow.
Was skeptical from all the research I did before the first grow was started about how its so easy to nute burn your plants. Not using the same soil next time. Thanks again for your help!
At what point do you abandon that philosophy, however? The problem has been getting worse for weeks.
cannabis is a fast-feeding plant. The miracle grow nutrients are not the right ratios and strength for your plant. Adding some water soluble fertilizers would have helped. Your product would have been better in the end.

Anyway, just think about it and do things differently next time. I'm sure this will make some tasty buds anyhow.
this thing about MG not being right for MJ, the NPK on MG is 3-1-2 which is supposed to be the correct NPK for foliage plants like MJ, but everyone slags it off, it is fine if used carefully at low EC levels < 0.75,
this thing about MG not being right for MJ, the NPK on MG is 3-1-2 which is supposed to be the correct NPK for foliage plants like MJ, but everyone slags it off, it is fine if used carefully at low EC levels < 0.75,

We're not talking about the MG water soluble fertilizers; we're talking about the MG soil with the slow release fertilizer in it.

You can use water soluble fertilizers, including MG, at EC double .75... Mature plants would be lacking at half-strength (.75EC) levels.
keep an eye on your fan leaf's.. keep an eye on them because I seem them starting to form the 'claw' towards the tips on some of them.

careful with the Schultz liquid nutrients too... extremely easy to burn your roots/plant with that stuff.

It's what I ALWAYS would use.. way back before I switched over to General Organics.. which I would highly recommend to you man.

You won't believe the difference during growth, flowering.. and even the final product tastes SO much cleaner and smoother.

Plus, using all organics.. you don't necessarily have to flush the medium out prior to harvesting. I still do though, as I live by the 'Better safe than sorry' motto..

But most organic growers don't flush their medium out prior to harvesting when using all organics.

Good luck though.
