Alright thanks so much for this so the fan leaves are still cupping and dropping down as shown in the photos, I have a soil ph and water ph tester coming sometime in the next week so I hope that will be able to address the issue of ph and I’ll also check the run off ph as well of the water.Best of luck, hope you figure it out, just a small related issues will never ever ever make the leaf cup down..or up for that matter! Your issue is with watering...soil is too damp, too wet for too long, not enough air/dryness going through! That's why they are cupping downwards..eventually, you will learn from experienceGood luck!
I still think that I don’t water enough I have been using the method where I’ll put my finger into the soil to see if it’s damp of not and it still is so what I’m thinking of doing is just letting the soil dry out and then watering it. I didn’t think that I would encounter the issue of overwatering. I also thought it could of been due to my fan because it was pretty strong blowlging directly onto both plants and so I just moved the fan to face the wall and let that air flow around the plants instead of directly onto the fan.
Would you like a updated photo to see what’s still going on?