First grow, i want train wreck!


Well-Known Member
well here are the last pics of the last plant i chopped from my first indoor grow. I think i got seven females out of ten plants and the ones i have budding right now are a diffrent planting. Two actualy........

first the plant i chopped...... I also have the two huge bushes and the one small bush that i tied down all along the pot, very bushy.



Active Member

Train wreck IBL?? You crossed something to the arcata cut that's an F1 not an IBL
TW is far from an IBL to begin with ,it's a cut that wasn't stabilized.
She makes very nice F1's and that is definitely the same Arcata cut I had..very nice.

What did you hit her with?


Well-Known Member
bertha first helga second i think!

and i am fully aware the plant i just chopped is not a full train wreck if you read back everythig is explained. certain characteristica of the plant are very train wreck, it also reminds me of mindfuck in some ways?

all of the plants seemed to provide some kick ass smoke that people keep asking about. That makes me nervous word spreads fast so i have been telling people i pick it up out of town? Very happy with the first grow!!!!

what the fuck? i hate pics



Well-Known Member
thanks Caligrow!!!! I didnt know you had staff status? Pics are not workin but im gonna take better ones tonight!


Well-Known Member
plants are lokin yellow again everytime i use a fish product about two weeks later this happens? Should i use ph up with alaska bloom?


Well-Known Member
the plant has seven clear heads but the whole thing is tied down and has buds everywhere!!! It was going to be a mom but i suck at cloning so i just budded her out


Well-Known Member
here is the other plant and the one that is about 16 days behind the other two
I just thought I'd share this and inform everybody that tying down branches is probably the most ingenious and clever way of growing and doubling your harvest. When I tie down I try to even out all the tops to be aprox the same height. here's a pic of my 4 plants with branches tied down. these are 2.5 weeks old blueberry into flowering


New Member
hi kaya, looking very good indeed, i wish i had kept up with your grow but now it means i have alot of reading to do lol. keep up the good work. im going to follow from now on.



Well-Known Member
yea i think you missed some good harvest but hey we will have more:)

Thanks blueberry looks very nice I like this method of growing and o think i will continue to do it this way instead of lots of plants in small pots!


Well-Known Member
i try but i dont want to move this batch around try to keep all the crystals in tact! Thanks for stoppin buy guys