First grow in 40 years


Well-Known Member
Harvest is done and plants are trimmed and drying.
Had an issue with bud rot on half the plants, trying to figure out how it happened.
Unknown seeds from a friend. They all turned out to be hermies!
Started inside for a month, then put outdoor in June.
Grew in 5 & 7 gal. fabric pots using my own soil mix.
The effect is definitely Indica, hope it helps with my joint pain.
Looking forward to trying this again next year if I'm still here, lol

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
Bud rot, IMO, lack of air circulation & high humidity.

I make ISO oil with what I salvage from the affected buds, the nasty taste doesn't transfer.

Don't use seeds from a herm, 80% herm/male (personal experience).

Good luck


Well-Known Member
This was just an experiment to see if I could pull off a grow after so many years. I knew the seeds were questionable but didn't want to invest in good genetics and have it fail. I threw the bud rot colas out and didn't bother with them. I'm continuing the experiment through the drying and curing process. I water cured some, and doing 3 different drying and curing process now!

Hugo Phurst

Well-Known Member
This was just an experiment to see if I could pull off a grow after so many years. I knew the seeds were questionable but didn't want to invest in good genetics and have it fail. I threw the bud rot colas out and didn't bother with them. I'm continuing the experiment through the drying and curing process. I water cured some, and doing 3 different drying and curing process now!
post your results with the drying & curing please.

Right now I'm under a time constraint so it's a dehydrator @ 115F, and into mason jars.

Have fun


Well-Known Member
How did you upload your pictures like that ?


Well-Known Member
I did a water cure with the stems on in a 25 gal cooler. Buds had a weird smell, but are smelling better as the glass jar cure is ongoing. I was thinking maybe the weird smell was a result of the plastic cooler? I'm in the middle of a water cure in glass and using just the buds to see if there's a difference. Also, for the amount of work in the water cure process it probably isn't worth all the time.
The best results so far is harvesting the branches one at a time, wet trimming everything pretty close, and hanging each branch spaced two inches apart on a cotton string in in 60% to 70% humidity for 10 to 12 days, then hang for 4 days in 55% humidity. Cut off buds and jar for curing.



Well-Known Member
I don't intend on planting the hermie seeds again, it was just an experiment on growing, training techniques, and fertilizer products. I don't know what "the cup" is? On a side note, the smoke from the plants I grew have a great taste and are extremely smooth. I have had to vape weed for quite a few years now because when I've tried joints I would cough my guts out, but with these plants I can smoke a joint again and no coughing. 4 or 5 small hits and the stone is quite heavy. The other weird thing I've noticed is that when smoking it, it has almost no odor! Would be great for stealth use lol.


Well-Known Member
I don't intend on planting the hermie seeds again, it was just an experiment on growing, training techniques, and fertilizer products. I don't know what "the cup" is? On a side note, the smoke from the plants I grew have a great taste and are extremely smooth. I have had to vape weed for quite a few years now because when I've tried joints I would cough my guts out, but with these plants I can smoke a joint again and no coughing. 4 or 5 small hits and the stone is quite heavy. The other weird thing I've noticed is that when smoking it, it has almost no odor! Would be great for stealth use lol.
Cannabis cup coming to Maine next year

Pm me