First grow in a country where its a death penalty on drugs

Do they look healthy ?

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Happy to help YoGolen! And happy that it helped :) Can not stress it enough tho, as I am concerned about you. Get an vpn and become anonomous, if you have not all ready some sort of security mesure.
Roger ! I have seen both seasons of narcos and assassin's creed fan aswell so doing things anonymously is a fun thing to do for me and so far everything is under control online as well as on ground. Cheers !


Well-Known Member
Hi Frajola ! Thank you for your suggestions and the compliments. Well indeed it needs some balls to do what i am doing but im a stoner for life so might aswell add this to my achievements that i grow my own weed that too in a country like mine. How cool is that? too bad wont bring me any sexy girls in real coz of my grow but im happy flirting with these 4 ladies for now and having a really good time catering to their needs..

Now coming to the topic of discussion. I have ordered 2x HPS with pipes vents n exhausts online to replace cfls later when my ladies go into flowering.

I am also going to seperate autos n photoperiods from one another. Will grow them in seperate greenhouses so adjusting lighting n temp during flowering doesnt beome a hassle later as autos will obviously flower earlier.. I prefer to plan ahead and i read somewhere its never a good idea to top or do lst with autos as they cant take much stress so i will spare them and let them grow like a xmas tree however might bend/top/LSt my photoperiods to make them produce more buds. How long do you think i should veg my photoperiods before switching them to flowering with 12/12 lights. Photoperiods at about 7 weeks. Initially my ladies were growing slow but since i joined this forum and followed a few advices from fellow growers like you. My plants are not only looking healthy but their growth has improved quite well too.

Love to be a part of RIU community. Definitely the best place to learn n grow. Im all eyes n ears. Would love to hear from you again with more advices. I will upload more pictures soon to update you all with growth.
Thank u once again :)
Peace !
Happy to hear that yours hids are on the way, you will be amazed w then. If I were u, I'd turn then on right away in Veg, 4 more weeks at least or untill u feel they are ready to go into bloom, any hid is better than a cfl.You can flowering w hps only, or can use both spectrum which I'm testing now on this second batch of clones, and I can tell, looks good.(by the way these clones were brought back from the dead, thanks to hids), I learned here on RIU that blue spectrum helps tricomes build up, so I turned then on along, MH/HPS , I just don't remember who I heard that from, lol. We also can count on dual arc bulbs, that carries MH/HPS in one bulb. The point is to get closer as possible to the McCree curve. I would love to have the means to measure my grow room's PAR-light range, unfortunate I don't have, so I need the plants to talk back to me. Good to know ur ladies r doing good, they r about to go better.


Hey Everyone ! My bad about my inactivity coz i was busy with everyday life. So a few days ago one of my auto produced another stem which i immediately discarded. Little did i know it was a twin and i felt really bad after. However today to my surprise i saw another set of leaves popping from the same spot as before. Basically a triplet so this time i was well learnt and i carefully extracted the new stem n leaves along with a tiny ball like root ball and carefully planted them to a seperate pot with everything intact. Let's see what happens next. Feedbacks and suggestions are much appreciated. Thanks :)20160929_211301.jpg

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
it might not be an issue now, but if you really want to keep this hidden, smell is going to become an issue when they start flowering. the Phresh line of filters works very well, but what really works for getting rid of odors is an ozone generator. they're BAD for your plants, which i learned to my dismay, so now i'm using it as an air freshener behind my front door. turn it on 10 seconds when someone comes to the door, wait another ten seconds before you open the door, and they've smelled nothing so far.


Hey Again Folks ! Hope all of you are well. I'm fine too . Was busy with daily life, 2 jobs and still cheating death lol. So the good news is the gamble paid off. One fem auto has started to flower and i couldnt wait to share it with you guys. Please take a look at the growth and any feedback/suggestions are highly appreciated. The other auto has stunted growth but still expecting to get some yield cz something is better then nothing but so far so good.
Cheers20161025_072709.jpg 20161025_072840.jpg 20161025_072946.jpg 20161025_072709.jpg 20161025_072840.jpg 20161025_072946.jpg 20161025_073003.jpgThe bottom pictures are of a stunted auto 20161017_070910.jpg 20161017_070914.jpg


Thank you Frajola ! Mh/hps worked wonders .. ditched my cfls entirely.. i owe you for the great advice on using dual arc bulbs .. :)
Happy to hear that yours hids are on the way, you will be amazed w then. If I were u, I'd turn then on right away in Veg, 4 more weeks at least or untill u feel they are ready to go into bloom, any hid is better than a cfl.You can flowering w hps only, or can use both spectrum which I'm testing now on this second batch of clones, and I can tell, looks good.(by the way these clones were brought back from the dead, thanks to hids), I learned here on RIU that blue spectrum helps tricomes build up, so I turned then on along, MH/HPS , I just don't remember who I heard that from, lol. We also can count on dual arc bulbs, that carries MH/HPS in one bulb. The point is to get closer as possible to the McCree curve. I would love to have the means to measure my grow room's PAR-light range, unfortunate I don't have, so I need the plants to talk back to me. Good to know ur ladies r doing good, they r about to go better.


Well-Known Member
Thank you Frajola ! Mh/hps worked wonders .. ditched my cfls entirely.. i owe you for the great advice on using dual arc bulbs .. :)
What kind strains r u running? look damn good.
....and good to hear from u again, welcome back , don't go away too long ok u know,lol.
Last edited:


Hey ! Thanks for your constant concern. Much appreciated. Hope you stay fit n well. :)..
2x auto - Super Lemon Haze
2x feminized photoperiods - Great White Shark


Update : Moved plants outdoors in a compact green house since a few days because the weather outside is ideal 25C-27C around day and 18C - 22C around night. Cannot control humidity. Stays around 50 or 60. How do they look ?

All 3 plants
20161101_064218.jpg 20161101_064224.jpg
1x photoperiod Great White Shark
1x Auto Super Lemon Haze20161101_064405.jpg
1x Auto Super Lemon Haze(Stunted+LST)20161101_064435.jpg 20161101_064443.jpg


it might not be an issue now, but if you really want to keep this hidden, smell is going to become an issue when they start flowering. the Phresh line of filters works very well, but what really works for getting rid of odors is an ozone generator. they're BAD for your plants, which i learned to my dismay, so now i'm using it as an air freshener behind my front door. turn it on 10 seconds when someone comes to the door, wait another ten seconds before you open the door, and they've smelled nothing so far.
Hey Roger !
Moved my plants outside since a couple of days and the smell around the compact greenhouse is strong. I can smell them from 3 or 4 meters. Will it increase during flower ? If yes how can i minimize it ? Plz help !


Well-Known Member
Update : Moved plants outdoors in a compact green house since a few days because the weather outside is ideal 25C-27C around day and 18C - 22C around night. Cannot control humidity. Stays around 50 or 60. How do they look ?

All 3 plants
View attachment 3819679 View attachment 3819681
1x photoperiod Great White Shark
View attachment 3819682
1x Auto Super Lemon HazeView attachment 3819684
1x Auto Super Lemon Haze(Stunted+LST)View attachment 3819685 View attachment 3819686
The plants look very good, just that one got a weird pattern and does not look like it has a future, ew...:?
and the smell is going to get worse and worse I mean intense and more intense if u

and get back inside crazy farmer.


The plants look very good, just that one got a weird pattern and does not look like it has a future, ew...:?
and the smell is going to get worse and worse I mean intense and more intense if u

and get back inside crazy farmer.
Yeah i thought so too about the smell being more intense. I really need to think about moving them in or keeping them out. Considering where i am growing. Its better indoors but my plants were loving the sun. Lets see. I dont have peeping neighbours though.. lol


Yeah i thought so too about the smell being more intense. I really need to think about moving them in or keeping them out. Considering where i am growing. Its better indoors but my plants were loving the sun. Lets see. I dont have peeping neighbours though.. lol
Btw the stunted plant has 2 colas. Still wont bud ? My 4th plants is sick since a few weeks. Ill share its pictures too. Do take a look in a while


Well-Known Member
Btw the stunted plant has 2 colas. Still wont bud ? My 4th plants is sick since a few weeks. Ill share its pictures too. Do take a look in a while
Runts and stunted plants have turned out to be some of the best plants I ever had as far as how good the smoke was.


SICK PLANT - Great White Shark(Photoperiod). HELP !

Dear RIT Community ! One of my photoperiod has been showing weak growth with tilted, black leaves and lots of dark spots under the leaves. All this started to happen after I accidently broke the main cola while bending and it just snapped. I tried doing everything i possibly could according to my humble knowledge to get things on track but no luck. Plants still has 2 stems with tops. However main cola is missing. Please take a look at this and take out the time for any advices. Been 2 weeks almost since the stupid super crop experiment. Pictures attached 20161101_071934.jpg20161101_071934.jpg 20161101_071949.jpg 20161101_072042.jpg 20161101_072055.jpg 20161101_072100.jpg
20161101_071949.jpg 20161101_072042.jpg 20161101_072055.jpg 20161101_072100.jpg