first grow in a few years -CFL-


I have one bag seed growing right now, still waitin for the seeds that I ordered to show up. Here are some pics of the one I have growing, its at 2 weeks right now.nov16.jpgnov17.jpgnov18.jpg


Active Member
Lookin pretty nice man. If my phone would let my upload these pics id show yah how mines comin along. She's gonna be a short bushy mother fucker. There's barely any spacing between nodes. N she's a lil bigger then yours and only at 11 days old!


Mine had some stretching issues in the beginning due to lighting issues, but i have it controlled now. Doesn't bother me though because I am using this one for some R and D. im gonna do some LST on the lower branches, but leave the top for some supper cropping techniques. that and I have never done any cloning before so I would rather have my trial and erroe be on bag seed and not seeds that im paying 8-10 bucks a piece for.


Active Member
Definately definately. I was going to lst this plant. I gave my other two to a buddy so I can have more lighting for my best looking plant. When I put this into flower hopefully ill have enough money saved up I can order some seeds and a mh or hps light also. Sucks living in NE Ohio around this time. There are literally no jobs that will take an entry level tool and die maker like me.


I hear ya man. Its the same here in NY, I am a construction worker and it is hard as hell right now to find work. I want to grow mainly indoors with two flowering boxes having a harvest every month and always having clones in veg ready to put into flower 2 days after I harvest. I am not growing just so that I have smoke, I am also trying to bring in extra income so that I can support my son and give him things that I never had growing up. I figure with the area I have for mother plants, 4'W 3'D and 6'H I can get prob almost 8 months worth of clones off of them and if I time it right, I will still be able to put the mothers outside to flower and take a clone from each and start them as mothers. Everything I have read says that contrary to popular belief, you can grow a mother plant indefinitely and you can clone indefinitely as well. I will have to get a pic up of my 1 flowering box and my mother plant cabinet so you can give me your thoughts on my design.


Active Member
That's awesome man. I'm also growing to make a little income being in between jobs and everything. Id love to see your set up man. What kind of lights are you going to be using? Also what kind of construction do you do? I seen your from ny there's hella construction over here in ohio.


I do everything from excavation to roofing. Also put up a bunch of pics of my setup on my thread, take a look when you get time.


Active Member
This plants growing crazy as fuck. For some odd reason it looks like there are pistils already growing on her??? I'm really confused. I really wish I could post a pic but I'm on my phone. So if anybody could help me out with what's going on it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Still need to fix my pic. Btw earl set ups lookin quite nice man ill definately be following your grow buddy.


This plants growing crazy as fuck. For some odd reason it looks like there are pistils already growing on her??? I'm really confused. I really wish I could post a pic but I'm on my phone. So if anybody could help me out with what's going on it will be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Still need to fix my pic. Btw earl set ups lookin quite nice man ill definately be following your grow buddy.

Thanks man, hope to see some pics of your soon.


Active Member
Plant is about 6 inches tall but bushy as a mother fucker. Ill be over at a buddies later tonight. Ill be able to upload some pics for you guys. Sorry bout that lol