First grow in new cab!


I'm starting my first grow thread in my "new cabinet". I am using three large cfl bulbs in my custom cab. The strain I will be growing is the same white widow as other times... I do plan on using the technique of scrog when the plant is in its final pot.

I admit the humidity is low bit that can be addressed. other then that the airflow, and sent removal of the filter is amazing. i worked out a schedule to the fans to keep the temps down, and am very happy to say that even at their lowest use the cab stays will within a safe number... the highest the cab ever got was 81deg becuase of the heat of the rad behind it.

Here are some pics , one of the plant as of today, the environment, and the cab with before it was finished.

ps ignore the wilty tomato leaves, I basically just threw it in a coffee pot and ignored it enough to just keep it alive lol. let me know what you think....



it was the cheapest one I could find, 14.99 at a local flea market.

it has a module for a second temp reading but it is dead and the batteries cost more then the device now...


Update: 11/21/10

here is the plant after docking the top. I have also begun a light plant food schedule.

you can see the new growth, there are 3 new tops in the middle, but hard to take a picture of the tiny third top....



Update: 11/23/10

so it was a busy day, the plant has out grown the planter I had for it, so now its in its final container.

here are some pics before transplanting...

you might be able to see the roots ^^

here is the final pot, its a 4Gal bucket with plenty of holes drilled into the bottom, then there are stone balls in the bottom to help with air to to the roots without plugging the holes with soil. I mixed the top soil with peat most with a 60/40 mix, and added about 2-3 cups of perlite.

I added the grill to show people how it will be later, however it will come out till the plant is big enough to need it... till then I will be lst and super cropping the plant.
finally here is the plant in place...




so here is the plant, as you can see its pretty crowded on the tiny base, some of the new leaves are mutant from the cropping but that wont be noticeable in the long run.

I also gave it its first watering yesterday since transplanting and with it another dose of plant food, once its larger i will start feeding it a stronger nutrient solution.



Update: 12/02/10

nothing special, just moved the plant higher and you can see the new growth. pretty happy with the number of tops forming

once it starts growing in height I'll start to tie each to the grill to help space them out and to make sure each one grows where i want at the grill.



Update: 12/05/10

so the five tops that have formed after cropping and trimming are tall enough to start to L.S.T. The middle top is now the same height as the other branch's once they have been pulled down. I will continue to bonsi the plant how I want it to grow with L.S.T, cropping, trimming till it hits the screen.

Also I have decided that the grill that is in there now for Scrog might have too few bars to create the resistance for the plant so I will trade it out for the one with twice as many bars once it has hit the one that is in there now.




its been a while, here are some pictures from today,the plant has hit the grill so I have turned the timer to 12/12. Tomorrow I will be buying a 2' t5 fixture to go against the back and help with lighting during flowering.

here are the pictures:
