first grow in progress tell me wat u think

this Google hydroponics stores in your area 1st tymer. Don't like the sound of wraping paper in my growroom though tbh, I'd stick with mylar.

coo i was jw cuz i got 2 ak48s under same bulb (200w cfl blue spec. cuz im n veg) but i only got 1 bulb for both plants so i was jus thnkn both mine might get to like 1/2 er 3/4 ur size then


Well-Known Member
Lookin good. 3weeks? So ur almost half way there. Can't say I'd change a thing. What strain are u growing?
Yh ive jus got the one cfl and jus the one plant also my cfl is in a powerplant reflector shes a (nivanna short ryder ) but im tempted to give her a better name than short ryder dosent sound jucey enuff lol any suggestions? ????? Thanks for the comments peeps
O and the wraping paper mylar stuff is wat im useing now for this grow but i wouldnt use it again i had little cash left so had to get rolls of wrapping paper but it wrks ok :-)
I am not positive about this, but make sure your cfls are an inch away from the plants. Any more than this will cause the stems to stretch for the light. I would also check the ph of the soil as high/low ph can stunt growth.

I grew hydro a few cycles about 5 years ago. I know a little about this stuff but I am not an expert by any means.

I am also throwing out some lowrider #2s, Northern Lights, and chrystal for my return to the science. Good luck with your grow.
My autos were the same size as that mate at 2weeks so your b sound mate jus leave umm b and go bak and have a look at them in a few days anf see if they've changed let me know wats happening