FIRST GROW: Jack 47, Pineapple Express, Blueberry Gum

This is my first grow! I have a feeling I might have gotten myself in a bit over my head but I'm prepared to work hard to make this work! My set-up is two shelves in my closet for veg under a 400w CMH light for on one shelf and a bunch of CFL's for the other. I have 3 85w and 6 45w daylight CFL's. I have a 5'x5' flower tent which I'm planning on putting a 1000w HPS light in. My goal is to stagger my plants between the two rooms to have a semi-continous harvest(once every month or so). I'm growing in soil, and my mix at the moment is something like this:
FFOF: 40%
Coco Fiber:25%
Perlite: 25%
I'm going to be using the foxfarm nutrient trio as well. My soil mix is not at all definite and open to suggestions. Below are some pictures of my setup. Also included are a couple shoots of the seedling, 4 days old. I'm a little concerned because the PE is sort of bending and leaning. Any comments, tips, or suggestions are greatly appreciated. Thanks:joint:

IMG_20111110_234427.jpgIMG_20111102_211734.jpgPE day 4.jpgJ47 day 4.jpgBBG day 4.jpgBBG 4.jpgPE  day4.jpg


Well-Known Member
Looking good man...I like your soil composition since you are going to be using'll have plenty of starting nutrient power for the first few weeks with the FOFF, and plenty of room to use the commercial nutrients you purchased as well without worrying about burning them as much :)
I have a tendency to over water my plants(although this is my first time growing pot, I've done a lot of other gardening in the past. I've also owned and cared for serveral bonsai's) so drainage is key. I'm also hoping its going to be easier to take control of the nutrients the plant is receiving. Thanks!


Well-Known Member
I have a tendency to over water my plants(although this is my first time growing pot, I've done a lot of other gardening in the past. I've also owned and cared for serveral bonsai's) so drainage is key. I'm also hoping its going to be easier to take control of the nutrients the plant is receiving. Thanks!
Hells yeah...if i didn't put so much perlite in my soil I'd probably be overwatering as well..I have a tendancy to put in so much perlite it doesn't matter how much I water, I NEVER get overwatering symptoms :D
I turned on the 400w MH yesterday and man does that thing put off some serious heat! Even with it 3 feet above my plants, a fan blowing on them, and my closet door open I can't seem to bring temps down under 100. Is this too hot? Will it bake my plants? Any ideas on how to bring temps down?


Well-Known Member
good luck bro! ive got a pineapple express seedling right now among some other strains. i just read that its trainwreck x hawaiian. i believe that too, ive smoked what was supposed to be G13's P.E. a few times before and it tasted VERY hawaii like. i did the G13 halloween promo on the tude, i almost got blueberry gum but i doubled up on the pineapple express instead. ill be watching u to see what i passed up on with the Blueberry gum. btw if it helps my PE seedling is growing fastest out of 7 strains. it a quick grower.

thats also wayyy too hot at 99F i had to put my 600 hps up and use cfl's where i grow. it works out ok but my temps were in the 90's and i almost killed 2 plants. u gotta do something about the heat man! good luck!
Yeah the PE is really taking off. I've got three fans in there now and managed to get the temps down to 90, still pretty high though. I was thinking about maybe taking down all of the Mylar lining the walls. I feel like it's a really good insulator /reflector of heat along with light. I'd loose a little light but hopefully it would bring temps down. What do you guys think?
I raised the lights and got temps down to 82. Theres only like 16 more inches I can raise my lights. I'm starting to think heat is going to be a big issue. In a 60"x60"x78" tent, is a 1000w light going to be to hard to control temperature wise? Am I better off going with a 600w?
Okay end of week one. They look pretty healthy with the exception of the BBG. She has some yellow speckling on her leaves. They all seem to be curling a little, but that might just be me. I'm still in a battle with room temps right now, but I'm trying to get that under control. PE and J47 look fine, but I'm a little worried about the BBG. Pineapple Express really took off! Fastest grower of the bunch for sure. Also at the moment I have a Bubba Kush seed, BBG seed, and 2 cheese seeds germinating. All feminised:lol: Hopefully they'll pop in the next day or two and I can get them in some soil! Some pictures of the girls tell me what you guys think:

Pineapple Express


Blueberry Gum


Jack 47



and here's some Durban Kush I'll be smoking on for the next few days:joint:
Hey guys been a little bit since I updated. Been super busy and life's just been throwing me problem after problem. Anyways, I have to admit I havent been giving my ladies the attention and care that they deserve. I've been slacking and away from home way more than I should be. Hopefully that should change for a while considering I just totalled my car(FML). Anyways, the blueberry gum(BBG) is looking really unhealthy. She's still growing, just turning weird colors and growing deformed. I'm real worried for her! I just transferred them all out of their party cups. The BBG and PE are in 3 gallon trash bins, and the J47 is in a 5.5 Gal storage container. I just started them on FF nutrient trio half strength. I also just added three 45w CFL's for side lighting. Here are some pics of the Girls Tell me what you think:

Jack 47:


Blueberry Gum:
B B G .jpgBBG top.jpgBBG.jpgBBGtop.jpgBBG_Sickly.jpg

Pineapple Express:


Tips, Suggestions, Ideas? Lemme have 'em:leaf:
Do you guys think they look a little small? I feel like theyre on the small side for 24 days. I dunno i guess just tell me what you think.
The CFL's are just side lighting. They're under a 400w CMH. They're looking healthier now, I think it was a phosphate def. Ill update with new pics this weekend after I feed them tomorrow.
Hey guys sorry about the lack of updates I've been really busy. Also RIU image uploader hasnt been working for me for over a week, so I've been trying to wait for it to work but it just wont. So These pictures are uploaded elsewhere. Some of them were taken today, some last week. So they've all been doing pretty good. A few days they were growing two inches a day, but now they've sort of stalled at 10" - 12". I supercropped the Jack47 so she would have been taller most likely. She's the tallest of the bunch, probably going to go into the flower tent on the 27th. The PE's been showing some weird yellowish/greyish/browning on the leaves the last few days, I hope it's nothing too bad. I'm going to flush on friday and I'm flushing the Jack tomorrow. Gettin' her ready for flowering season. I'm going to veg the Indica BBG for a month more but want to have both the sativa's in the flower tent soon. Here are some pics let me know what you guys think:joint:

Pineapple Express:

Last Week:

This Week:

Blueberry Gum:

Last Week:

This Week:

Jack 47:

Last Week:

This Week:


Baby PE(2-3 weeks old):

Last Week:

This Week:

Last Week Group Shot:

This Week Group Shot:



Active Member
BBG is finicky with her soil, she likes 6.5-7 soil pH so check your runoff it could be high. Looks to be stabilizing though
Dolomite lime is necessary in high organic PK soils to balance out the mix so you might need to add a little
She likes a little sulfur too if you wanna do a 50/50 ratio.

I would back off a little on the nutes in the early stages of growth for BBG, try a less "hot" soil for seedlings and rooted clones.
You should see better results :]

Good Luck!
So just sprinkle some on top of the soil? I added dolomite lime to the soil mix that the baby PE is in, but at this point I wouldn't know how to go about mixing it into the other mixtures that are already potted. Also is it too late to top the BBG and PE?
I topped the PE and BBG today. I was really nervous about doing it and read a million threads/ videos. I know it's not bad for the plant but it still made me cringe. I flushed the J47 today with PH 7 water and tied back a few more branches. She's looking real good. She's going into the flower room next week:mrgreen:
Okay well I rearranged the shelf a little to give them more to grow wide. I also tied a few branches out. So I'm going away for 8 days on Tuesday so I have a busy week and a lot to do. I'm getting my light for the flower room, another 400 cfm fan, a cloner, FF open sesame (as per FF feeding schedule),and some root tech gel and superthrive. I already have two carbon filters I need to set up. I've got a lot of work I need to do and a lot of $$ to spend before I leave. Wish me luck :joint:

Here's some Bubba Kush I'm going to smoke before I go to bed. I'm sorry for the shitty pictures but it's the most official BK I've had in years.