First Grow Journal 12000 Watt Indoor Grow 120 Ken's Grand Daddy Purp Plants


Active Member
Excited to see the outcome of this, haven't been posting a lot lately but I make a point to check ever couple of days lol


Active Member
Oh shit, thats the shizzit right there...Now i gotta run back to the hydro shop...Shit

Looking awsome and stuf...Sbbed in for this ride


Hmm. I bet you could get a little more color out of 'em with a cool temperature at night time but color isn't important. That stuff has a really amazing shade of purple though if the picture shown on the Attitude is real.
I know, you can get plants in Autumn, outdoor, with some cooler than 60's temps to really turn em like a Maple Tree....

Eitherway, this setup is awesome. No negs with it.


Well-Known Member
i ended up chopping 50 2 week early and got 6 pounds those were all the small ones .... i stil have to chop the rest on 130 monsther id say 4 oz a plant


Well-Known Member
Let me know if you need a central AC unit. I have a 4ton condenser with the 4 ton air handler i am selling along with two C.A.P. co2 gen-2E's 4 burner co2 generators ! !


for your 12 lamps how did you set up your cooling fans for hoods pushing or sucking ?
and i see you have a Tee is there a fan post that as well please detail we have similar set up and looking for input on efficiency