First Grow Journal

Hello everyone I’m new here kind of … I was active on here 4 years ago and decided to stop growing due to expansion of my family. But I’m back with one recent grow about to finish under my belt I thought it’d be a good time to start a new grow journal to bring the rollitup community along with me ..
My current run was 3 autos I had left over from years ago that I thought I would use to build and test my newish grow set up so here we go

I recently converted an old 8x8x10 storage shed in the back yard by running power to it. Put insulation in walls and ceiling and put up fresh drywall. Since I am in a poorly managed state I have to be discreet so I put a 4x4 inside the shed so no light will make it outside the shed at night . Worked great so far

-In the 4x4 I have a 1000 watt MH/HPS with a 6” air cooled hood that is 22”x15”x6”
-I typically grow in 70/30 coco perlite mix (new every time)
-Small 40 oz dehumidifier can pull 18 oz a day
-450 can inline fan with automatic temp gauge set to 77F keeps temp between 75-80F
I’m using a mixture of fox farm base nutrients with some advance nutrients cal-mag ,silica , big bud ,bud candy , and overdrive probably will switch over to advance for base as well it makes ph adjusting almost non existent

Current autos maybe 2 weeks left before harvest so I popped
1 Humboldt Freakshow -Fems
3 Royal Queen Special Kush. -Fems
Started them in 2” rockwool cubes and once roots show I will move them into my homemade Solo cup Greenhouse and keep them under a small Led shop light
I Forgot to mention everyone is welcome to post comments or advice in my journal . I will try to keep it updated 2-3 times a week for anyone who wants to ride along
2/3 kush popped out today the other 2 seed are on the verge of showing their selves
The solocup greenhouse sits on a small black tote so the cups are not exposed to light I figured this will help control humidity since the heat is running and the air is so dry inside


Day 7- I got all 4 seeds moved over to the mini greenhouse the 3 kush seedlings seem to be doing okay but the Freakshow seed is definitely a Freakshow looks to have some sort of mutation. The first set of true leaves don’t look to be serrated like normal they are very small and look rounded . Plan right now is to let it grow out and see what happens the most potent bud I’ve grown came off a mutant wasn’t a huge harvest but definitely worth it



Well-Known Member
Awesome! I’m super curious about the Freekshow strain for some reason I just really like the strange look. I’ll be following along
Still have not watered these little fellas still moist from being under the tote … The little mutant is growing the same way I keep hoping the next set of leaves will look somewhat normal but looks like it’s just a true Freakshow


Finally found some info about the Freakshow from Humboldt apparently someone over there thought I’d be a fun project to breed a bunch of mutants over a few generations and the Freakshow was born I also found a few grow journals that had pics of it flowering I’m excited to see what I can do with it . Also very glad I dropped the other Freakshow seed when trying to plant it . Probably a good thing my tent won’t be half full of something that might not yield much of anything but problems
Any idea what’s going on here looked like this yesterday I watered with light nutrients 300ppm temps 74-78f today they look a lot better . Could it be a ph issue as I forgot to soak my cubes in correct ph water before popping seeds in them


Plants are ready for transplant into their 1 gallon fabric pots . The roots filled up the solo cups Nicely. Plan on a few weeks in the 1 gallon pots and either 3 or 5 gallon pots . How much longer should I wait to top these. As this is my first time growing photoperiods. I plan on doing a Scrog this go around as my last set of autos could not hold the buds weight and started to fold over the branches

