first grow journal


Active Member
I must say, this first grow was more work than I thought, but things are finally going well and tuned in...

I did hundreds of hours of research, but my mistakes have tought me much more, my patience almost ruined it all at first...

I've invested upwards of 2500, but now have a nice 4kw room, open wing on ac with co2. Using fox farm ocean forest then repotting with pro mix. Also using recharge, super thrive, calmag and maxigro.

I'm ending vet here soon, about three weeks, running six different strains, both scrog, single cola and multi tops.

Definitely too much going on, but its what I have to work with at the moment. At least I'll get a good feel for what I like this time around....

Feel free to ask any questions, make suggestions and and forget, check out the pics!

Here's a blueberry skunk and skunk #1 x afghan...

I'll get more pics and stats up later.... On lunch right now, no good recent pics in phone... These will do for now...



Active Member
Thanks, I'm really proud of my work, I'll post some good pics now.

Best first grow I've seen yet, I do have a mentor I guess you could say which is priceless.

Anybody's else, feel free to speak up, tune in...



Active Member
The northern light x blueberry in rears been drooping sine repot, seems sensitive, but that skunk#1 x Afghan has given me zero problems, just raised lights, got tad bit of heat stress, but they were much bigger last week, took 60 cuts last week, topped every top again, dunno why so many lol

Should I literally have a top for every 4" hole in my scrog? Or will stretching create a lot more?