First grow: just started flowering brown/orange spots


Active Member
I am growing in a 4x2x6 area with 2 shop lights and a 2 foot grow light from walmart. I just started on 12/12 3 days ago and there are brown/orange spots on a couple of the lower leaves. All the top leaves look fine. The closet is lined with the dull side of tin foil. There are also a couple brown/yellow edges on a few of the bottom leaves. I have been watering it around every 2 days. I haven't used any nutes either just tap water and miracle grow potting soil with moisture control.


Active Member
any ideas? I am going to try to get pictures up soon. I could not find anything similar in any other threads.


Active Member
how old is your plant?? if i were you i wouldnt be worried abot it, sounds to me like youve just got sucker leaves, which is completely normal. If the dead starts to rise up the plant to the upper or mid leaves, then youve got issues. Im almost posotive you just have sucker leaves, but theres also a chance its ozone.. if i were you i would just sit on it bro, wait it out, if it dosent clear up in a little bit then get a hold of me and we will get to the bottom of it.


Active Member
awesome its just 2 or 3 leaves one has a little brown on the edge too. I'll post again next time I water her. I just added a little miracle grow flowering formula my buddy gave me also. Hopefully it clears up. It started from seed on 10/28 I believe.


Active Member
well thanks anyway I put the nutes in and it cleared up the problem but, then she turned out to be a he. Hate when that happens.