First Grow! La Lybella (New Strain)

Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my first grow. All comments/questions are welcomed and appreciated in this thread.

I chose to grow La Lybella, a new 90% sativa dominant strain from Dutch Passion Seeds. I prefer uplifting energizing highs as opposed to couch lock stones which is why I chose the strain. A sativa also works better in my grow area. I have about 6ft of height to work with but only about 2ft by 2ft of area so I need a nice skinny plant.

About my growroom:
I explained my grow room size. I have a can fan at the top of the room exhausting hot air into a conveniently located chimney adjacent to the closet which I cored a hole in. I am running a 250W MH/HPS switchable system obviously using MH for veg and HPS for flower. I have a baseball size hole cut into the bottom back of the closet so that the can fan will draw fresh air in from the rest of the house. I also have a fan blowing on my baby to strengthen her stems. All walls are painted with flat white paint.

About my plant:
I am growing only a single plant currently from feminized seed. I'm not a heavy smoker (maybe 2g's a week or so?) so if I can get near an ounce I will be fine for a few months and then my next baby will be close to ready :). She is currently 18 days old. I germinated using paper towel method; she sprouted within 24 hours, then placed her ina solo cup with fox farm OF soil. At two weeks old I transplanted her into a 3 gallon container with Fox Farm Soil again and began the Fox Farm nutrient feeding schedule (grow big and big bloom). I water her about once every 2-3 days. Temps in the room stay around 75 degrees. All around she looks like a very healthy plant (in my opinion).

I have attached some pictures so please post any comments/criticisms.

Questions I have for the future:
She is currently growing her 5th node....should I top this plant to create two colas? I'm worried if I make the plant too bushy with multiple colas, the small area of my growing room will constrain the plant. However if I do one big cola, will the 250W HPS be enough to penetrate in this plant?

If I have approx 5-1/2" of height before it starts getting too close to the light...when should I send this plant into flower? Around 24"? Remember it's a sativa dominant strain.

Thanks all!


Hey Everyone!

Welcome to my first grow. All comments/questions are welcomed and appreciated in this thread.

I chose to grow La Lybella, a new 90% sativa dominant strain from Dutch Passion Seeds. I prefer uplifting energizing highs as opposed to couch lock stones which is why I chose the strain. A sativa also works better in my grow area. I have about 6ft of height to work with but only about 2ft by 2ft of area so I need a nice skinny plant.

About my growroom:
I explained my grow room size. I have a can fan at the top of the room exhausting hot air into a conveniently located chimney adjacent to the closet which I cored a hole in. I am running a 250W MH/HPS switchable system obviously using MH for veg and HPS for flower. I have a baseball size hole cut into the bottom back of the closet so that the can fan will draw fresh air in from the rest of the house. I also have a fan blowing on my baby to strengthen her stems. All walls are painted with flat white paint.

About my plant:
I am growing only a single plant currently from feminized seed. I'm not a heavy smoker (maybe 2g's a week or so?) so if I can get near an ounce I will be fine for a few months and then my next baby will be close to ready :). She is currently 18 days old. I germinated using paper towel method; she sprouted within 24 hours, then placed her ina solo cup with fox farm OF soil. At two weeks old I transplanted her into a 3 gallon container with Fox Farm Soil again and began the Fox Farm nutrient feeding schedule (grow big and big bloom). I water her about once every 2-3 days. Temps in the room stay around 75 degrees. All around she looks like a very healthy plant (in my opinion).

I have attached some pictures so please post any comments/criticisms.

Questions I have for the future:
She is currently growing her 5th node....should I top this plant to create two colas? I'm worried if I make the plant too bushy with multiple colas, the small area of my growing room will constrain the plant. However if I do one big cola, will the 250W HPS be enough to penetrate in this plant?

If I have approx 5-1/2" of height before it starts getting too close to the light...when should I send this plant into flower? Around 24"? Remember it's a sativa dominant strain.

Thanks all!

any comments?
Well, I was away for a couple days and I came back to some nice growth. Your plant seems to grow so slow when you check it everyday so it was nice to be away and then come back to a nice surprise :).

Here are some updated pics. She is now 22 days old. I will begin LST (a reccomendation from a veteran grower friend of mine) most likely in a week or so.

I will be sure to post pic of this process.

Here is my girl as of today:


OK, so I began the LST process last night. Below are some pictures of how she looks 24 hours after the bending. The way it looks right now, I think I may just leave it be and not do anymore bending. I know some people like to continue to bend it all the way around the pot but I feel that will lengthen my veg time. The way it looks to be growing right now...I should have 2 main stalks growing up. Any thoughts?

Here we go:


Since I am bushing out the plant a bit I wanted to make sure I have enough light hitting the lower side branches. I rigged up a lighting setup with two 27W daylight CFL's. I put these in a y-splitter and then into a worklight with a reflector. As you can see in the pics I have it on the right of the plant and with the fan on the left. Once a day (at the beggining of the light cycle) I will rotate the plant 180 degrees. This way one day, one side gets more light to grow...and the other the fan to strengthn it's stems, and the next day it will be reversed.

sound ok?


Nice, my first subscriber! Glad to have you along for the ride.

A quick update. I have since moved my MH light about 5 inches closer to my baby. It is now only about 11" from the plant. I know that seems close but I did the hand test and the warmth felt completely acceptable. I have really good circulation in this room. My can fan circulates all the air in the room every minute. This change has really helped and I notice my girl growing about twice as fast now.

On another note, I untied my girl. She grew a second cola out of her side which is all I wanted. Now that I have two main stalks growing up I just want her to grow naturally without any tieing.

Pics tomorrow!
Ok have some updated pics from today.

Like I said before...I untied her so she is starting to straighten herself out again but as you can see she has a smaller "second cola" growing out of her side.

She is about 12" now and I will begin to flower in about 2 weeks.



Your plant is looking great. I'm really interested to see how this strain develops and what your end results will be.


I know this thread is kinda old, but just wanted to know if you smoked any of it yet, what's the high like and the taste? How tall was she at the end?