First grow, leaves are dying! PLEASE help! **PICS**

Alright, so this is my first grow ever. I'm growing two plants at once in FoxFarm Ocean Forest soil in a 2'x4'x8' grow tent with two 100w led lamps from (Each 100w light is equivalent to a 250HPS). The lights are at 24" from top of plants. They're about 3 weeks in and the same set of leaves on both plants, the first set of leaves after the cotyledons, are wilting. I don't see any pests, so I'm thinking it's probably either light burn or nute burn, but I'm not certain. Maybe it's something else

I'm growing Cannalope Kush in a 5-gal oxypot and Thai Fantasy Auto in a 3-gal oxypot. I've fertilized with Doggett & Simpson 3-stage fert twice for both plants. First after their first week (I know, I know) with an 1/8 dose and I've fertilized a second time this past week(end of third week) with 1/4 dose.

I use a thermal controller hooked up to an 80w greenhouse tubular heater, I maintain, and currently is, 77.4° during lights on and about 71.6° during lights off. Honestly, tho, the lights alone are able to maintain 77°, so the heater doesn't really even run during lights on. I got a little desk fan inside circulating air and an Exhale CO2 bag clamped to the ceiling of the tent. Right now, humidity is 25%. Running an 18/6 light schedule, too.

Soil ph, I'm unsure of, I'm awaiting a new meter, the one I had was a POS. I have been watering with a ph of between 6.5-7.0, tho.

Please help! Is this recoverable? I have florakleen, so if need be, I can flush, but I want to know what it likely is first! Let me know if you need any more information, I'll be at my computer for a while. It's a lot easier for me to answer questions.



Active Member
I have a few young sprouts that have the first set of leaves dieing off like that too. Only difference is, i havent given them any nutes. You can rule out nute burn, and the light is fine. LEDs wont burn the bottoms, they will bleach the top leaves, u can check my journal to see how i bleached mine.

Honestly, i wouldnt worry about it to much if its only the first set of leaves. They are known to wilt away when they become outdated. If it happens to any other leaf, then u have problems.

And the 2nd pic in post 1 looks like its got some Powdery Mildew. Get that mold under control or itll take the plants before u get a chance to see flower.
I have a few young sprouts that have the first set of leaves dieing off like that too. Only difference is, i havent given them any nutes. You can rule out nute burn, and the light is fine. LEDs wont burn the bottoms, they will bleach the top leaves, u can check my journal to see how i bleached mine.

Honestly, i wouldnt worry about it to much if its only the first set of leaves. They are known to wilt away when they become outdated. If it happens to any other leaf, then u have problems.

And the 2nd pic in post 1 looks like its got some Powdery Mildew. Get that mold under control or itll take the plants before u get a chance to see flower.
It seems pretty early to me that leaves would be dying off, they're only three weeks from seed. I mean, I'm no expert, but that just seems a bit early. Also, if you're referring to the white stuff on the leaves, that's from where I sprayed water and large droplets accumulated there and dried out. I had assumed it was just water residue or something, as the white marks are exactly where the drops were.