First grow! Leaves dying 4 days into flowering! HELP!

I have to ask, because T5's normally work excellent for vegging, growing some really bushy plants....How far away did you have them placed? I'm guessing 6", at least? Next time, bring 'em down to 2" or less, and you won't believe the difference in growth. They won't even look like the same kind of plant. :wink:
they were 1-3 inches from the light. If anything, it could be the clones, while the AK-47 is lanky some of the others are much bushier.


Well-Known Member
they were 1-3 inches from the light. If anything, it could be the clones, while the AK-47 is lanky some of the others are much bushier.

Wow man, that's really odd, strain or not. Did you happen to have them in small pots? That'll keep them tall and narrow, as well. At any rate, they'll really start to fill out now that they are under that 1000. Growers used MH for years, with excellent results, so don't worry about that. It'll still kick ass, I assure you. :weed:
Wow man, that's really odd, strain or not. Did you happen to have them in small pots? That'll keep them tall and narrow, as well. At any rate, they'll really start to fill out now that they are under that 1000. Growers used MH for years, with excellent results, so don't worry about that. It'll still kick ass, I assure you. :weed:
Naw, they were in 5 gallon buckets. But fosho, thanks man!

This is a different topic but since everyone seems to have a different opinion about nutes i might as well ask what do y'all recommend?I am considering picking up FF Big bloom, Grow Big and Tiger Bloom. Should I? or should i go with something else? I'm using roots organic soil if it matters.


Well-Known Member
^Those will work just fine. Alot of guys use them, with great results. Actually, just about any type of nutes will work, as long as you mix it correctly, adjust the PH, and have the right NPK ratios for veg, or bloom. The best advice I can give you, is to start weak. Many times I see guys feed more, because they assume the plants will grow more, like people or animals. As tempting as that is, avoid it, it'll only hurt them. Start weak, and in the meantime, start reading up on deficiencies/overfert, and the symptoms to watch for. Learn to recognize what your plants want, and you'll be a successful grower. :leaf:

P.S. The feeding schedules on the bottles, almost never work out. Don't trust them, unless you know for sure that they're tailored to your specific grow. If you must use them as a guideline, start with 1/4 their recommendation, and work your way up from there.


Active Member
^Those will work just fine. Alot of guys use them, with great results. Actually, just about any type of nutes will work, as long as you mix it correctly, adjust the PH, and have the right NPK ratios for veg, or bloom. The best advice I can give you, is to start weak. Many times I see guys feed more, because they assume the plants will grow more, like people or animals. As tempting as that is, avoid it, it'll only hurt them. Start weak, and in the meantime, start reading up on deficiencies/overfert, and the symptoms to watch for. Learn to recognize what your plants want, and you'll be a successful grower. :leaf:

P.S. The feeding schedules on the bottles, almost never work out. Don't trust them, unless you know for sure that they're tailored to your specific grow. If you must use them as a guideline, start with 1/4 their recommendation, and work your way up from there.
True dat about the feeding schedule on the bottles, get a ppm meter and follow that, I burned up plants when I didn't have meter because I was using everything as directed.

I have used organic and straight chemical nutes in the past, and if you are looking for simplicity, the Lucas Formula works really well with GH nutes. I have also used organics with a lot of additives and have had awesome results from some, and deadly results from others. The Lucas formula is a sure fire way to get a crop, plus you don't need any ph or ppm meters. I've had 3- 1000's and a 600 in an 8x8 tent with CO2 and got over 6 pounds using the lucas formula, and didn't have any problems.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
You don't really need the Tiger Bloom. A lot of people have a hard time with that nutrient because it is so damn acidic. The Grow Big and the Big Bloom are good products.

For the price though... BioCanna BioVega and BioFlores would be better.

Snow Crash

Well-Known Member
It should be obvious. They create a line of nutrients because they all work well together. You went out and picked up a chelated salt macro-nutrient system, and an organic humic acid supplement that also acts as a chelating agent. Then the overpriced carbohydrate formula to feed an organic system you're going to kill off slowly with the chelation agents bi products from the FloraNova.

There is a reason for every nutrient in a system. Trying to add one bottle from one place, and another bottle for another place, especially when you don't really understand what they are doing is a recipe for wasting your money.

Look into complete nutrient lines for your next grow.

Personally I like Canna nutrients Coco A+B, Rhizotonic, and PK 13/14 in conjunction with Humboldt Nutrients Sea Mag, microbial supplements, Deuce Deuce, Honey ES, and Ginormous.

Just find something that works for you. I have shelves of half full bottles because I learned this lesson the way we all do. The hard way.