First Grow Log (J.H. S.L.H. W.W. V.K.)


Active Member
will be posting new pics soon. the vanilla kush is now in flowering. also took a clone for a mother hopefully.


Well-Known Member
From your last set of pictures it looked like the super lemons was leaning a bit to the left towards the top of the plant, try turning the pot 180 degrees so its leaning to the right, as it reaches for the light it should straighten back up. If the top leans too much, u might have problems when that beast of a main cola grows big. Not a huge problem if that happens anyway, you can always support the main stalk. Then again if height is an issue maybe a little bending is exactly what u need. Also... what are your temps? I only ask this as some leaves on the SLH seem to be clawing, which i'm pretty sure is due to heat stress. Never the less ur doing good, keep it up!


Active Member
Sorry for not being able to keep up with updates! I was able to snap off a few pics of the plants in flowering, there not that good of pictures, but at least it's an update! They are starting to look really pretty =]

Jack Herer

Super Lemon Haze

The Vanilla Kush is also in flowering but i didn't have enough time to get proper pictures. Couldn't take pictures of the plants in vegetation because the vege room was under construction for the purpose of more space for the ladies =]

The White Widow that is still in vegetation is a BUSH and looking beautiful! I took 4 clones off her from last night and am hoping for the best. The clones I took before have been transplanted into pots and are now in vegetation! The Jack Herer clone is growing fast and is
already taller than the rest by a good 2 inches

Well let me know what you think! All comments and questions are wanted and appreciated =]




Well-Known Member
They are looking good so far man! Glad you bent your SLH, you might have to bend her again since hazes flower for quite some time. Did you raise the Herer higher to the light since the SLH was so tall? From the pic she looks hella healthy and amazing so just keep doing it guess lol. Ill be following. How many days flowering?


Active Member
yea i had to move jack closer to the light because i had to raise the light so high up for the slh. that plant just became out of control lol, it grew 2 inches a day at one point. and also the slh is showing signs of the end of flowering by yellowing leaves. I know it might be a nitrogen deficiency but that wouldnt make sense because its in brand new dirt and have been giving it the required nutes. not all of the leaves are yellowing, just mostly the bigger fan leaves. I jut dont know how the plant is going to cope without leaves ha. The buds are still very small also. They both have been in flowering now for 6 weeks starting today. i also have to update some more pics very soon. i have put a vanilla kush in flowering now its 30 inches tall and extremely crystally already. white widow clones are also coming soon


Active Member
Vegetation Update!

I am currently doing this update really baked off of this cherry cough i picked up today, and I'm also kinda drunk, so if any of my grammar is off, please ignore it. :bigjoint:

Alright, In vegetation right now we have the White Widow mother and two of her clones that have now taken root and are looking really healthy. The Vanilla Kush clone took root also and is looking MUCH better then her mother that is now in flowering. There are also the Jack Herer and Super Lemon Haze clones that are now getting decently tall, going to be used as mothers, clones will be taken soon :)

I snapped off a few pictures of each, enjoy :weed:

All comments and questions are wanted and appreciated =]


White Widow Mother

White Widow Clones


Vanilla Kush Clone


Jack Herer


Super Lemon Haze



Well-Known Member
wow man that jack has some gnarly hairs growin on it. and that super lemon haze should be dank from what ive heard growin. good shit keep it up


Well-Known Member
Everythings looking good man. WW has 11 leaves!! Damn dude thats pretty crazy, but yeah just give the haze some time shell bounce around im sure. Deuce.


Active Member
Everythings looking good man. WW has 11 leaves!! Damn dude thats pretty crazy, but yeah just give the haze some time shell bounce around im sure. Deuce.
yea that ww has some different leaves on it. there seems to be a pheno mutation in the genetics. on just few leaves there will sometimes be an extra leaf. and yea just checked on the slh, i have been giving it just small shots of nitrogen for the yellowing. It seems to be helping the planter leaves are really starting to grow by the buds.


Active Member
I must say of all the pics I saw not one had a problem... no nute deficiencies, no mould, no fungus, great grow +REP


Active Member
I must say of all the pics I saw not one had a problem... no nute deficiencies, no mould, no fungus, great grow +REP
Thanks man, appreciate the feedback =] I'll try to take some really good pics as soon as the jack and slh are done flowering!


Active Member
new pictures today. there are some pics from week five flowering and week 6. right now jack is at 3 days into week 6. it looks like there might be a harvest on week 8 but we'll see.

week 5 to week 6 sorry i couldnt seperate them

this is what the super lemon haze looks like now. the buds are filling in slowly but surely, i hope it fills in a lot more.

IMAG0201.jpgIMAG0216.jpg IMAG0220.jpgyou cant really tell in this pic but the leaf is turing pretty yellow, so have most of the other fan leaves. Its still pretty early in flowering to be dropping leaves, so i gave it a couple shots of bc grow and it seems to be helping.

Here is the vanilla kush I believe it is in between week 3 and 4 it is also looking great so far. I like these genetics much more than the super lemon haze ha. right now it stand 31 inches and is filling out nicely with many crystals.
this pic below is week 2

and here are some pics of the veg room, its getting a little crowded in there right now. all of the clones pretty much rooted at the same time. right now there is 9 clones and 2 mothers. the tallest clone in the middle is jack and its growing better then its origanal mother lol. now this clone will be the mother. the white widows have also been great clones. The white widow mother was also getting too tall so i chopped the top off to help promote bushing versus height. its getting alsmost to tall. did the same with slh also. im going to throw the slh clone in soon i just want that strain out of the way for better suitors.
(w.w. mother topped)IMAG0223.jpg (slh clone topped)IMAG0222.jpgIMAG0221.jpg IMAG0207.jpgand this plate of buds here is some cherry cough i picked from a friend 340 an 0. it was really good:-P


Active Member
this 19th the jack is scheduled to come down, and as it looks we are on time for harvest. This was my favorite indoor sativa so far with its short compact indica like qualities. wouldnt recommend the Super lemon haze indoors though, unless you have 6 feet + vertical grow space and lots of light for each plant. cant wait to get the smaller indicas in there. *white widow and more Vanilla kush clones, Hopefully the northern lights and afghan kush will be sprouting soon.


Active Member
lol no the jack herer came down at week 8 today it may be a little premature but the trichomes are nice and milky a few are turning amber. i needed the money to go towards funding a 600 watt hps.


Active Member
Sorry bout not updating this one, had some complications and had to start a new one, tis all explained there!
Posted some really good pics on the new thread, you can get there by clicking on my hyperlink :)