First grow log posted............Bubba, Hindu, Super Silver Haze, & 1 White Widow


WOW! really nice plants. im using same nutes as you and hydroplex. im in the 2nd week of veg in my first hydro. DWC. 400w Hps. i will follow your grow.


Active Member
i've been reading journals for years now and this is my first post. we got the same setup, except i'm using rockwool blocks, 4"x4" on top of 6"x6" and we are at about the same flowering time. I'm at 4 weeks in a couple of days.

how did you prune them back in the veg state? (i was under the impression that topping increased yield but that trimming fan leaves was a bad idea)
How are the temps and RH in the room?
How did the enzymes fix the root rot issue?

I'm super curious to see how things unfold. I'm following this journal. keep it comping!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
youngdopa i also have a few sites with the same nutes growing dwc but they are outside. post some pics of yours i can check out & i will take some pics of the dwc flowering outside as well


Active Member
hookten post some of your grow as well i can see for myself. sometimes i feel as though i am the only grower using cns & maxi. i really didnt prune much back in veg. i topped & let them recover for about a week & started flowering. now that they are flowering i have been pruning fan leaves from the main stalks but not so much that the sites still have plenty of green. i started mainly because i noticed too much leaf & not enough flower sites were getting the light penetration, plus i feel it allows better air flow. i have oscillating fans on both sides of the tables. another thing i do is pinch the branching to try & keep my canopy even. although next grow i may try a netting or something because i have some monster branches outgrow all else right under the lights. my lighting comes on during the nights & between 8pm-12am temps & rh are 60-70f & 40-55%. as far as the enzymes go i will keep using them. i am using hygrozyme & i havent been getting any more algae buildup & the roots seem to be healthier or at least look that way. the roots have that clean white growth to take the place of the little that does die off but mostly dont have that slimyness to them.


Active Member
today i changed the res & heres a list of the nutes with additives to check out & compare how you guys are doing it

cns ripe 1-5-4 500 ppms
maxi bloom 5-15-14 500 ppms
cal mag plus 2-0-0 125- 150 ppms
3 tbs hygrozyme
hydroplex, silica blast, & snow storm all @ 1 tbs each in a 27 gal res

total 1300 ppms & 5.85 ph

i thought i was going into week 5 but in going into week 4. i will just continue with the res as is & see how they do.


Active Member
do you ever get that powery wet muck build up? from the GH product ofcourse

now that you mention it, i do get a rust colored muck a few days after res changes. i thought it may have been the hydroton. hmmm maybe i will try the cns & see if that muck builds up after a few days.


Active Member
i had a problem today, when i changed the 15 gallon res, i added 115ml of bloom and it dropped my ph to almost 3. also at this point looks like i didn't get in enough veg time on my silverhaze/g13 cross, didn't really fill in the conopy. I'm just about 3 weeks away from harvest and i just put in clones a couple of days ago. which do you think is a fast training method, LST or supercropping? My lease is almost up and i'm looking for solutions to sqeeze in another a productive harvest in a little less than 4 months.


Active Member
i prefer to top & super crop but then it depends on how the plant grows. if you have enough clones try tossing them all in & start flowering while at the same time lollipop them so you get clean fat tops. that way there is no veg time


Well-Known Member
my only comment being that i hope u have ur roots covered that will really affect your yield i couldnt see them in any of the last pics but use some hydroton : P cheers mate looks awesome


Active Member
getting into week 7 & had to tie up a few of the plants because the tops are getting too heavy. i think the 5.5" net pots may have been too small or maybe its time to try & set up a screen of green on the next run. im getting some good results & will post pics soon.