First Grow, Looking for advice, questions, and have a leaf problems!


New Member

  • Hey guys,

    This is my first grow in a Box,
    Size:2x2x5.3 feet
    3 plants in soil
    1 in hydro (still not in grow box as it is too young)

    The Plants: Auto Red Poison : Soil grow, planted May 19th

    Blue God (regular) : Soil , planted May 19th

    Super Skunk(feminised): Soil, planted May 4, started on nutes last sunday

    (GH nutrients followed the label in the back for amounts)

    Using 400W MH for vegging then will switch to 400W HPS for Flowering

    As I said previously, my grow chamber is 2x2x5.3 (Blackbox)
    i am currently waiting on an inline fan 165 CFM to exhaust the room with(I am using a normal toilet ventilation fan now which is not enough so I have to keep the tent open when the lights are on so the heat doesnt get above 32degrees (stays around 27-2
    , humidity is around 50 reaching up to 70% max)
    I have a small fan pushing air in from outside but I'm going to get a fan and bring air from inside the house (cool air) , how much CFM should I get it , 100, 120?
    When i get the inline fan, should i exhaust from inside the tent, through the reflector, and out?

    have like 3 other fans on inside to keep the tent cool.
    The problem i have is that my reflector is an open aluminum reflector which causes alot of heat.
    I'm waiting for my cousin to come from the states he's getting me the yield master II!prettyPhotoThe growing soil I am using is organic soil my mom uses for her vegetables but I recently bought soil which has like 14-17-16 is that too much nutrients?

    The Problem:If you could look at my leaves, the tips of the red poison have little white tips and on the Super Skunk there are like white spots or shades of white powder. I was misting them before daily using tap water. (also waiting on a ppm meter so cant tell if it is bad). I read that it could be Pwedery Mold and I want to make sure.
    I've stopped misting as well and am only misting before I wake them up.

    What I might have done wrong:
    I was misting them with nutrient water as I thought once the first and second set of leaves emerged it would be ok (then I read I have to wait like 3 weeks, currently the Super skunk is on nutes the rest are on tap water).
    the soil I have kinda smells weird so I'm not too sure if it is good but the super skunk looks pretty healthy.

    Thank you for your time and could use all the advice I can get.
    PS: sorry if I hijacked a thread or anything like that I'm new to this



Well-Known Member
With you saying that you mist often, which your plants don't need at this stage, it leads me to believe that you do have a good chance of powdery mildew. You should spray the plant with a houseplant fungicide which you can get at any garden store, and also any plants around it. Increase you air flow around the plants, let your soil surface dry out, and you have to remove any infected leaves as it will spread to your other plants.You should separate your other plants from the infected ones. I hope this helps.


New Member
Thanks man,
I currently have them in darkness for a couple of hours will post pics of how they've become when the light turns on.
So i shouldnt mist them? I read on other forums that misting them is good but I didnt know at what stage exactly. also was going with the method of 200ml of water per day then letting them dry out. Will let them dry out and see what happens.
im thinking it may be just residue from evaporated tap water? is that possible?


Well-Known Member
It could be deposits left from when the water dried on the leaves.

I wouldnt go treating it for mildew just yet.

kush plant

Active Member
broooo i just got done lookin at mine they do the same thing. its from foilar spraying, rinse the leave with regular phd water, its salt build up. here a pick of a bigger leave with it

View attachment 2680959 and if it dosent look like this and in fact is muildew, make a milk/water mix n spray ur plants.


New Member
Thanks guys,
I think it is not mildew as they look almost exactly like urs except smaller,
here are the pics

Blue God:

BG 3.jpg

Super Skunk:
SS 6.jpg

Auto Red Poison:


I have fans on them 24/7.
to get back to the fan question, i'm still opening the front of the tent when the light is on inorder to lower the temps.
I'm getting a 165 CFM inline fan to exhaust the tent, have a 100 CFM fan pulling air from inside the house (growbox is on the balcony) and a couple of fans.
Still have the hydro plant to add in the box its still too young.
any advice on how i'll manage 2 autos and 2 regulars?
I'm thinking give them all 18/6 till when its time to switch 12/12 for the regulars i'll just move them outside at night for an extra 6 hours of darkness



New Member
Hey guys,

Here is the hydro (Northern Express)
have it in tap water so no nutes, i may have had the lights a bit close do you think this is heat stress? also does the PH matter at this stage, i bought some PH down from an aquarium shop but im already half done with the bottle and PH is always around 7ish, do you think that is the problem??
havent moved this one into the grow tent under the 400MH yet as I feel it is still too fragile


Advice needed!